Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
The official openPASS webpage can be found here: This site is not being maintained by the openPASS WG anymore.
- 1 OpenPASS
- 2 Meeting Minutes
- 2.1 December 2022
- 2.2 November 2022
- 2.3 October 2022
- 2.4 September 2022
- 2.5 August 2022
- 2.6 July 2022
- 2.7 June 2022
- 2.8 Mai 2022
- 2.9 April 2022
- 2.10 March 2022
- 2.11 February 2022
- 2.12 January 2022
- 2.13 December 2021
- 2.14 November 2021
- 2.15 October 2021
- 2.16 September 2021
- 2.17 August 2021
- 2.18 July 2021
- 2.19 June 2021
- 2.20 May 2021
- 2.21 April 2021
- 2.22 March 2021
- 2.23 February 2021
- 2.24 January 2021
- 2.25 December 2020
- 2.26 November 2020
- 2.27 October 2020
- 2.28 September 2020
- 2.29 August 2020
- 2.30 July 2020
- 2.31 June 2020
- 2.32 May 2020
- 2.33 April 2020
- 2.34 March 2020
- 2.35 February 2020
- 2.36 January 2020
- 2.37 December 2019
- 2.38 November 2019
- 2.39 October 2019
- 2.40 September 2019
- 2.41 August 2019
- 2.42 July 2019
- 2.43 June 2019
- 2.44 May 2019
- 2.45 April 2019
- 2.46 March 2019
- 2.47 February 2019
- 2.48 January 2019
- 2.49 December 2018
- 2.50 November 2018
- 2.51 October 2018
- 2.52 September 2018
- 2.53 August 2018
- 2.54 July 2018
- 2.55 June 2018
- 2.56 May 2018
- 2.57 March 2018
- 2.58 January 2018
- 2.59 November 2017
- 2.60 April 2017
- 2.61 March 2017
- 2.62 November 2016
- 2.63 September 2016
- 2.64 August 2016
- 3 Related Eclipse Projects
- 4 Steering Committee
- 5 Architecture Committee
- 6 Current Members
- 7 Organization and Contact
- 8 Resources
- 9 Questions and Answers
The current openPASS version can be downloaded on GitLab:
Meeting Minutes
The openPASS WG collects all meeting minutes from 2023 on GitLab: This site is being used as an archive for meeting minutes written before 2023.
December 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on December 1st can be found here.
November 2022
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on November 17th can be found here
The minutes of the openPASS strategy workshop on November 9th can be found here.
Att. 1: openPASS SET Level Simulation Use Case 1
Att. 2: Current Status of GUI.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on November 3rd can be found here.
October 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on October 6th can be found here.
September 2022
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on September 22th can be found here
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on September 8th can be found here.
August 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on August 11th can be found here.
July 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on July 14th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on July 28th can be found here
Att. 1: Update on OpenScenario Engine / MantleAPI
June 2022
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on June 30th can be found here
Mai 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on Mai 19th can be found here.
April 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on April 21st can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on April 7th can be found here
March 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on March 24th can be found here.
Attachment: Lanelet2 presentation
February 2022
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on February 24th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on February 10th can be found here
January 2022
The minutes of the openPASS workshop with VUFO members on PCM can be found here
Att. 1: Presentation on PCM in openPASS
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on January 13th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS workshop on the future roadmap on January 10th can be found here. The presented slides can be found here.
Att. 1: Presentation by VW AG
Att. 2: Presentation by BMW Group
Att. 3: Presentation by Mercedes
December 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on December 16th can be found here.
November 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on November 18th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on November 4th can be found here.
October 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on October 21st can be found here.
September 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on September 23rd can be found here.
August 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on August 26th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on August 12th can be found here.
July 2021
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on July 29th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on July 15th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on July 1st can be found here.
June 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on June 17th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on June 1st can be found here.
May 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on Mai 20th can be found here.
Att.1: Abstract Environment API: Discussion concerning map layer
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on May 6th can be found here.
April 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on April 22nd can be found here.
Att.1: Presentation by Mercedes
The minutes of the exchange between the openMobility WG and the openPASS WG can be found here.
March 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on March 25th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on March 11th can be found here.
February 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on February 25th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on February 11th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS release planning meeting on February 4th can be found here.
January 2021
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on January 28th can be found here.
The openPASS WG has met the openMobility WG for an exchange. THe minutes of the meeting on the January 28th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on January 14th can be found here.
Attachment: Presented Slides
December 2020
The minutes of the openPASS workshop on SC related goals and the minutes of the steering committee webcon on December 10th can be found here.
The openPASS WG has met the openMobility WG to discuss a possible collaboration between them. The minutes of the meeting on the December 10th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on December 3rd can be found here.
November 2020
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on November 19th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS requirement refinement on the scenario interface on Novmeber 16th and 20th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on November 12th can be found here.
October 2020
The minutes of the openPASS requirement refinement on the scenario interface on October 26th can be found here.
Att.1: Presentation by Mercedes
Att.2: Presentation by intech
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee workshop on the v0.8 goals on October 21st can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on October 8th can be found here.
Att.1: Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee 2-day workshop on the long-term goals on October 7th and 8th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
September 2020
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on September 24th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on September 10th can be found here.
August 2020
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on August 27th can be found here.
July 2020
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on July 30th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on July 16th can be found here.
Att. 1: Updated Timeline for Release v0.7
On the 6th July 2020 BMW has presented the new spawner and observer. Those are going to be part of the release v0.7. The minutes of the presentation can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on July 2nd can be found here.
June 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on June 18th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on June 4th can be found here.
May 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on May 20th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS release planning webcon on May 15th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on May 7th can be found here.
Att. 1: Webpage Description
April 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on April 23rd can be found here.
March 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on March 26th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on March 13th can be found here.
On the 13th March the openPASS WG has presented the idea of openPASS to the NHTSA. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.
Minutes on Refactoring Specification Workshop on March 9th, 2020 can be found here.
Related documents
(A) Repository structure - directory structure proposal - directory structure change request - final structure
(B) Coding guidelines - coding conventions proposal - comments on coding conventions by ITK - comments on directory structure and coding conventions by VW - final agreement with .clang proposal
(C) Agent interface proposal - initial draft - new concept on AI refactoring - mapping of old methods to new methods - sample headers proposal
February 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on February 27th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on February 13th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee story writing workshop on February 12th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
Att. 2: Proposal for Coding Conventions (work in progress!)
Att. 3: Proposal for Directory Structure and future CI Setup
January 2020
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on January 30th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on January 16th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
December 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee meeting in Sindelfingen on December 4th can be found here.
Att. 1: slides Att. 2: Presentation on the execution flow of a simulation in openPASS (Part II) Att. 3: Presentation on Modular Driver Architecture Att. 4: Draft for Refactoring of Agent Interface Att. 5: CollisionDynamics and TwoTrackDynamics Komponenten Att. 6: SimulationVersioning and RuntimeInformation Att. 7: FMT Library
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee meeting in Sindelfingen on December 3rd can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides Att. 2: discussed repository structure for v0.6
November 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on November 7th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
October 2019
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on October 24th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee meeting in Munich on October 22nd can be found here.
Att. 1: SC-Meeting Slides
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee meeting in Munich on October 22nd can be found here.
Att. 1: Slides Att. 2: Presentation on the execution flow of a simulation in openPASS Att. 3: Presentation on changes in openPASS scheduler Att. 4: Status of Eclipse IP Zilla CQs for openPASS Att. 5: Proposal for naming conventions for the sim@openpass project Att. 6: Summary of openPASS GUI Refinement Meetings
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on October 10th can be found here.
September 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on September 12th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
August 2019
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on August 29th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on August 1st can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides.
July 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on July 18th can be found here.
Att. 1: Presented Slides
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee meeting in Munich on July 5th can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee meeting in Munich on July 4th can be found here.
Att. 1: Introductory Slides. Att. 2: Overview pull request for scenario based simulation. Att. 3: Configuration files for scenario based simulation. Att. 4: GUI features for Release 0.6. Att. 5: Concept for modular driver architecture. Att. 6: Observation and logging concept. Att. 7: Preview GUI analysis plugin.
June 2019
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on June 5 can be found here.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on June 27th can be found here.
May 2019
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on May 9th can be found here.
Att. 1: Discussed topics pdf. Att. 2: openPASS website review pdf.
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on May 23rd can be found here.
April 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on April 25th can be found here.
Att. 1: Discussed topics pdf.
The minutes of the openPASS requirement refinement meeting on April 12th can be found here.
Att. 1: Observation and Logging - in-tech pdf
March 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on March 28th can be found here.
Att. 1: Release 0.6 Discussions and Planning - BMW pdf.
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on March 14th can be found here.
February 2019
The minutes of the openPASS architecture committee webcon on February 28th can be found here.
Att. 1: Configuration of agents - BMW pdf.
The minutes of the openPASS working meeting on February 1st can be found here.
Att. 1: Hierarchical system editor - VW GoA pdf
The minutes of the openPASS steering committee webcon on Feb 14 can be found here.
January 2019
The minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on January 17 can be found here.
December 2018
The minutes of the openPASS Architecture Committee meeting in Renningen on Dec 14th can be found here.
Att. 1: Connection with PEARS - Toyota Motor Europe pdf
Att. 2: Scenario based simulation proposal - BMW pdf
Att. 3: Hierarchical system editor - VW GoA pdf
Att. 4: ToDo's in 2019 - ITK pdf
November 2018
Robert Bosch GmbH joins the openPASS Working Group.
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on Nov 16 can be found here.
October 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on Oct 11 can be found here.
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee meeting on Oct 26 in Ingolstadt can be found here. Att.1 pdf, Att.2 pdf
September 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on Sep 20 can be found here.
August 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on Aug 2 can be found here.
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee webcon on Aug 23 can be found here.
Att. 1: Amendments to Charter, Att. 2: Role Product Manager, Att. 3: Process Flow.
July 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS 6th Steering Committee meeting in Garching can be found here.
Att. 1: Toyota Motor Europe Goals pdf
Att. 2: InTech Update about "World_OSI" on behalf of BMW AG pdf
Att. 3: Documentation Proposal pdf
Att. 4: Bosch introduction (interest to join) pdf
Att. 5: Process proposal for Continuous Development process (BMW) pdf
Att. 6: Review release v0.5 pdf
June 2018
Toyota Europe joins the openPASS Working Group as a user member.
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here.
May 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here.
March 2018
The slides/minutes of the openPASS Architecture Committee workshop on v0.6 planning in Sindelfingen can be found here.
Att. 1: General overview of v0.5, v0.6 pdf
Att. 2: Introduction of TÜV SÜD goals (new driver member) pdf
Att. 3: Timing "OSI World development & commit" pdf
Att. 4: OSI world implementation in openPASS pdf
January 2018
The German TÜV Süd has joined the openPASS Working Group as a driver member.
November 2017
The slides/minutes of the 5th openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here.
April 2017
The minutes of the 4th openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here.
March 2017
Initial code submission for sim@openpass. The activities of the group can also be followed on the openPASS Tuleap Tracker.
November 2016
The minutes of the 3rd openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here. The status update on sim@openPASS (Attachment 1 to minutes) can be found here.
September 2016
The minutes of the 2nd openPASS Steering Committee meeting (webcon) can be found here.
August 2016
On August 10, 2016 the working group was officially founded. The minutes of the 1st openPASS Steering Committee meeting can be found here.
Related Eclipse Projects
Founding members and their representatives are:
- BMW Group, Lei Wang
- Daimler AG, Jan Dobberstein
- ITK-Engineering GmbH, Alexander Prahl
- Volkswagen AG, Stefan Schoenawa
Steering Committee
Speaker of the Steering Committee: Jan Dobberstein
- BMW Group, Thomas Platzer
- Mercedes-Benz AG on behalf of Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH, Jan Dobberstein
- Robert Bosch GmbH, Daniel Schmidt
- TÜV Süd AG, Christian Gnandt
- Volkswagen AG, Stefan Schoenawa
Architecture Committee
Speaker of the Architecture Committee: Arun Das
- BMW Group, Arun Das
- Mercedes-Benz AG on behalf of Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH, Per Lewerenz
- Robert Bosch GmbH, Daniel Schmidt
- TÜV Süd AG, Tuan Duong Quang
- Volkswagen AG, Stefan Schoenawa
Current Members
Company | Role |
BMW Group | Driver Member |
Mercedes-Benz AG on behalf of Daimler TSS GmbH | Driver Member |
Robert Bosch GmbH | Driver Member |
TÜV Süd AG | Driver Member |
Volkswagen AG | Driver Member |
Organization and Contact
For more information, contact or subscribe to the public WG mailing list.
Eclipse Working Group Participation Agreement
Questions and Answers
How to communicate with the Working Group
Please communicate with the Working Group via the public mailing list.
How to participate
Any company being at least an Eclipse Solution Member can participate in the working group. The company has to sign the Working Group participation agreement including Exhibit G of the same document and send it to the Eclipse Management Organisation.