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Papyrus IC
Rover application form
The Papyrus Industry Consortium will provide a limited number of rovers for use in teaching, research and/or industry demos. You can find information on the rovers at PolarSys Rover.
To apply for a rover, fill out the form here: Rover application form
Chairman of Steering Committee: Xavier Plavis, Airbus
The Papyrus IC is an open consortium that focuses on the development of a customizable and extensible industrial-grade open source model-based engineering tool suite based on the Papyrus/Eclipse platform, other key open source technologies, and leading industry standards (see Vision/Mission below).
Do not hesitate to contact Xavier Plavis for more information.
Papyrus IC Mailing List
The mailing list is used for all public communications regarding the Papyrus IC, including meetings.
To subscribe to the mailing list, please go to
Papyrus IC Member List
To be completed
Hereafter the list of Papyrus IC member in company alphabatical order
- Adocus
- Airbus - Defence and Space - Helicopter
- Cmind
- Combitech
- EclipseSource
- Ericsson
- FlandersMake
- FraunHofer Fokus
- OneFact
- Saab
- Sherpa
- Zeligsoft
Research and Academia
- Aston University
- Carleton University
- Chalmers University
- Coburg University
- Concordia University
- IRIT/ Toulouse University
- Luxembourg University
- Ottaw University
- U. P. Madrid
- U. P. Valencia
- U. O. de Catalunya
- York University
To be completed
Papyrus IC General Meetings: Meeting Schedule and Minutes of Meetings (MoM)
You can find the MoM here
- Meeting of December 14th, 2016
- Meeting of September 28th, 2016
- Meeting of August 31, 2016
- Meeting of July 27th, 2016
- Meeting of June 29th, 2016
- Meeting of May 25th, 2016
- Meeting of April 27th, 2016
- Meeting of March 30th, 2016
- Meeting of February 24th, 2016
- Meeting of January 27th, 2016
- Flanders Make Round-Table on "Collaboration on Model-Based"
- EclipseCon Europe 2016
- MODELS 2016 Conference
- ICTSS 2016 (International Conference on Testing Software and Systems)
Yearly Plan
Steering Committee
Chairman: Xavier Plavis, Airbus
Co-Chairman:Francis Bordeleau, Cmind
As defined by the Papyrus Industry Consortium Charter, the Steering Committee has the following responsibilities:
- Define the overall strategic directions of the consortium
- Define and manage consortium budget
- Define and maintain technical/product scope, roadmap and development priorities
- Approve technical contributions of the consortium members
See the Steering Committee page
Product Management Committee
Chairman: Charles Rivet, Zeligsoft
Co-Chairman: Xavier Plavis, Airbus
As defined by the Papyrus Industry Consortium Charter, the Product Management Committee ("PMC") has the following responsibilities:
- Define and maintain technical/product roadmap and development priorities
- Ensure quality of the different open source components
- Oversee the definition and delivery of product packages
- Define and implement product marketing strategy
- Define and implement the overall strategy for the development of the Papyrus ecosystem
See the Product Management Committee page
Architecture Committee
Chairman: Remi Schnekenburger, EclipseSource
Co-Chairman: Florian Noyrit, CEA List
As defined by the Papyrus Industry Consortium Charter, the Architecture Committee ("AC") has the following responsibilities:
- Define and maintain the overall product architecture
- Ensure the consistency and integrity of the architecture and its different components
- Analyze and provide recommendations on potential tool integrations
See the Architecture Committee page.
Research/Academia Committee
- Committee Leader: Ernesto Posse, Zeligsoft ?
- Chairman (Industry): Francis Bordeleau, Cmind
- Co-chairman (Research/Academia): Juergen Dingel, Queen's University
As defined by the Papyrus Industry Consortium Charter, the Research/Academia ("PICRAC") has the following responsibilities:
- Identify key research directions
- Interact with research groups involved in consortium activities
- Interact with funding agencies to promote research on Papyrus open source platform
- Participate to key research events (conferences, workshops, and commercial events) to promote Papyrus as a lead MBE platform for research projects
- Interaction with universities to help establishing high-quality training and education programs both at the undergraduate and graduate level
- Gather the training material exploited by the academics, related to the Papyrus tool suite
- Maintain an information set on advanced research, demos, and prototypes around the Papyrus tool suite (papers, presentations, videos, SW, etc.)
See the Research/Academia Committee page.
Documents and Templates
Microsoft PowerPoint
- Media:Papyrus IC Presentation -- 2016-02-17
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - End-Users
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - Research and Academia
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - Suppliers
Open Document Presentation
- Media:Papyrus IC Presentation -- 2016-02-17
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - End-Users
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - Research and Academia
- Media:Why join the Papyrus IC - Suppliers
This section contains the Papyrus IC's official template for various documents.
Microsoft PowerPoint
- Media:Papyrus IC Contributions
- Media:Papyrus IC Presentation
- Media:Papyrus IC Presentation
- Media:Papyrus IC Presentation - Question