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Development Resources

Users: Contributing To A Project

  • Quick Start -- Contributing Project Code Interested in contributing code. Awesome! This is how to get started.
  • How To Behave Practical advice on how to ask questions, report bugs, and be generally successful in your interactions with an Open Source Project.
  • Reporting Bugs. All Eclipse projects use Bugzilla to track bugs and features. Please read the Bug Reporting FAQ and then sign up for a bugzilla account to join in the fun.
  • Getting Answers. Mailing lists are for development team conversations; newsgroups and IRC are for the larger user and adopter community and thus are the correct place to ask for help.
  • Downloads. Get binaries from the main downloads page. Click through to the project pages for integration, milestone, and nightly builds.
  • Source Code. Get the source code from Git.
  • Contribute! The best way to contribute to a project is to contribute (sorry for the recursion). Pick a bug from a project that interests you, build a fix, and contribute it to the bug as a patch. If you're not sure how to start, ask questions on the bug, or communicate with the project via their communication channel (normally a forum).
  • IP Due Diligence for Contributions. Certain processes must be followed. Dotting the i's and crossing the t's. It all starts with the Intellectual Property content in the handbook, but there's a little something more (or less) for projects that use Git or Gerrit.
  • Contributing via Git. Contributing to an Eclipse project using Git or Gerrit.
    See also Handling Git Contributions from a committer's perspective.

Projects: Getting Started

Projects: Ongoing

Policies and Guidelines

Here's a list of various policies and guidelines for Eclipse projects.

Committers: Being A Committer

Committers and The Eclipse.Org Website

New Committers

  • Legal Paperwork. Becoming a new committer involves some legal paperwork. Here's what and why [2]
  • Development Process. For the overall smooth flow of the Eclipse eco-system, committers agree to follow a few process rules. Here's what they are [3]. There's also a more humorous summary version [4].
  • Parallel IP Process. Many new committers join with a block of code that they'd like to include right away. The Parallel IP process is designed to speed that inclusion. Here's the what, why, and how of that process [5].

Leads: Managing A Project

  • Eclipse Development Process (EDP) Official description of the meta-process for Eclipse projects.
  • Project Plan The project plan is how projects communicate their future intent to the rest of the Eclipse community.
  • Builds You have some options with regard to how you build your Eclipse project for distribution.
  • Code quality analysis
    • Sonar is available for Eclipse projects to track and improve the quality of their code.
  • Reviews Reviews are undertaken a key points in the life of a project. Project leads should coordinate reviews with their PMC and the EMO.
  • Manage Project Metadata, Bugzilla Components, etc. Project metadata is captured in the Project Management Interface (PMI), which feeds the project information pages and other tools. In the metadata, you specify important information like release dates, project plans, and description. Many project-related tools are accessible from here; additional tools (e.g. Bugzilla configuration) are available to committers via their Eclipse Foundation Account page.
  • About Files and Copyright Notices. There's the official guide to legal documentation and then there's a slightly different, but perhaps more readable, guide to legal documentation from the developers point of view. More directly, there's the Default Eclipse Foundation Copyright and License Notice page.
  • Releases. Of course the whole point of an Eclipse project is to release code to the community. At the same time, the Eclipse community relies on a well-defined release review process. It's relatively simple, but it does require planning ahead to schedule the necessary legal and community reviews.
  • TCK Access Information regarding Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) use by Eclipse Projects.
    • Handling Git Contributions. Contributions from Git outside Git repositories are subject to our IP Policy and Due Diligence Process.
  • Changing Leadership Electing new Project Leads and retiring the used up ones.
  • Nominating and Electing New Committers. Use the PMI to nominate and elect new committers. Please follow the nomination guidelines so that the elections are relevant for the whole community.
  • Removing Inactive Committers. Project leads can visit the "Who's Involved" tab of the Project Page, click on a committer, and use the "Retire Committer Status" box to retire a committer.
  • Press Releases. The Eclipse Foundation's marketing department would like to help you put out your project-related press releases; the guidelines are simple enough [6].
  • Creating and Managing Mailing Lists and Newsgroups Newsgroups are used by most projects to communicate with their community. Mailing lists tend to be used for communication amongst project developers (committers and contributors). Contact Webmaster to create and manage newsgroups and mailing lists.
  • Team calls You can request a dedicated Asterisk conference call line for your project.

New Project Leads

Everyone: IP Cleanliness

Maintaining intellectual property (IP) cleanliness is a critical part of being an Eclipse project, committer, and community member.

  • The Official Story. The guide to legal documents describes what legal documents to include with code and deliverable software.
  • Committer Guidelines. [7] issues to be aware of, and the processes one should follow, when working as a committer on projects.
  • Third Party Dependencies. This document contains the guidelines for the review of third-party dependencies.
  • The IP Due Diligence/Legal Process Poster. The famous IP process poster.
  • The Policy. The official written word version of the due diligence process for contributing code [8].
  • The Cartoons. The IP Process in Eight Cartoons
  • The Legal Department. Licenses, IP policies, agreements, etc. [9]
  • Logos & Trademarks. Documents about the Eclipse logos and trademarks [10] [11]. The Eclipse Foundation owns the trademarks on all the Eclipse Project names. The Foundation holds these trademarks on behalf of, and for the benefit of, the projects.
  • More IP Stuff. See IP Stuff

FAQs and Guidelines

HOWTOs and Help

Information and Miscellany


This section details website specific information, both for the and project specific pages.


EMO Processes

This page is moderated by the EMO

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