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Development Resources/TCK Access
Many organizations provide Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs) that specification implementers can use to validate their implementation. A TCK includes a battery of compliance tests (CT) that, when run against software can be used to claim compliance with the specification.
Like all software, TCKs are made available under license. In some cases, a fee must be paid to either gain access to the TCK itself, make claims about the results of the tests, or to claim certification. Naturally, we expect Eclipse projects to observe the terms of the license.
The Eclipse Foundation has negotiated access to the following TCKs:
- OSGi Compliance Tests
Access to TCKs is granted to specific committers for work on a specific Eclipse Project. To gain access, a committer must sign an agreement that will be provided by the EMO legal team. Committers are given access to this material under the terms of a Confidentiality Agreement and must take steps to ensure that they meet the obligations under that Agreement.
To gain access to a TCK, or to request that the Eclipse Foundation negotiate access to additional TCKs, please contact EMO.
OSGi Compliance Tests
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can the OSGi compliance tests be run offsite (i.e. on hardware not hosted at
- Eclipse "agents" (e.g. committers) have been licensed access to the CTs but not the general public (that is, non-agents). So you can't put the CT in a publicly accessible source repo, web site, etc. Projects that want to test off-site must take care to limit CT access to other Eclipse agents in their off-site setup.
Is it ok to show the test results as well as the command line of a test run publicly?
- You can display the command line and test results. You just need to restrict access to the CT files themselves not the commands which invoke them or their output.
How do I access the compliance tests?
- Webmaster will provide you with the information you need when you have been granted access.
Can the tests be discussed in open forums?
- You are permitted to discuss the OSGi compliance tests (CT) in public (e.g. bugs, mail lists, etc.). However, access to the CT themselves must be kept private only to those committers who have signed the agreement. If you do choose to host/run the CT offsite (i.e not on an property), please ensure that access on that offsite server is restricted accordingly.