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Milestone 1.0M8
- Original Date: Apr 15
- Revised Date: May 31
Cross Cutting Concerns
Theme and Focus
This milestone is focused on integration of H1 deployment. The goal is to be able to:
- download & install HBX in Firefox
- startup/configure HBX (either to talk to remote or local Higgins IdA service (RPPS))
- go to CardSpace-compatible RP site
- click sign in with i-card
- pops up the ISS Web UI (aka "card picker") embedded within HBX
- user picks a managed or personal card
- user is authenticate to site
- user clicks on Higgins mouse icon in Firefox (and sees i-card manager)
Bonus points for:
- user creates a new CardSpace-compatible personal card in i-card manager
This requires the following stack of components to be integrated (many of which are already):
- ZHBX code merged into HBX [DONE]
- ZRPPS logic (UserInterface, Token) integrated into RPPS [In Progress]
- HBX and i-card manager running on top of RPPS web service [In Progress]
- RPPS web service running on RPPS core [DONE]
- RPPS core integrated with ISS
- RPPS core and ISS integrated with i-card registry [DONE]
- i-card registry works with CMIP and CPIP i-card providers
- CMIP and CPIP i-card providers integrated with TS [DONE?]
- TS token providers integrated with IdAS
- IdAS with a CP (Jena or JNDI) to retrieve attribute values
Bonus points requires:
- i-card manager allows user to pick the kind of new i-card to create (p(ersonal)-card, m(anaged)-card, r(elationship)-card)
Handy shortcut to create a new Higgins Bugzilla entry. See all open items
- All core EPL code has cleared legal issues so that we may commit code abhi
- All components exist (except Java ISS Client UI and IdAS Registry)
- All components have up to date wiki pages
- All component external interfaces have been reverted to Java 1.4 (e.g. For ISS/RPPS 176044 abhi)
- New Components:
- Native ISS Client UI executable (launchable via Perpetual Motion plugin)
- Native "ISSd" (includes RPPS Core, ISS, I-Card Registry, I-Card Providers, ...) in one daemon process
Deployment configurations
- CardSpace-interoperable Identity Provider/STS deployed on Eclipse server (see definition)
In Progress
- H1: remaining issues
- no IdA service (RPPS) running on Eclipse server for testing
- others?
- Nightly builds of components: remaining issues:
- Many components still don't have nightly build scripts
- For those that do, we need to add "incubation" string!
- Have documented build instructions (Note: we will not delay this milestone waiting for all 3rd party libraries to clear Eclipse IP review--we will document where to go get these 3rd party libraries if we must)
- Nightly Builds [Each Component Owner] As you can see here we currently only build IdAS nightly (or stable-y)
RP Enablement
- Add Tomcat AS support to run RPPS Test WS client on Tomcat (J2EE web container) 173979 SergeiY
- Update the testRSSP site 175551 SergeiY
HBX [Maxim]
- HBX Startup [In progress] 177003 Maxim
- Merge HBX-Zurich/Abhi with our HBX code [In progress] 178043 Maxim
- Allow HBX launch ISS Client UI for H2 deployment scenario
ISS WEB UI [Maxim]
- Add the ability to handle CardSpace requests to the Zurich HBX 176037 Maxim
- Add proper handling of SOAP fault messages to UI code 176038 Maxim
- Handle Memory and Garbage Collection issues for generated-UI structures 176039 Maxim
I-Card Manager
- Handle parsing and matching of CardSpace policies 176033 abhi
- Improvements to error handling for bad policies 176034 abhi
- Deployability on machines other than those around Zurich 176035 abhi
RP Protocol Support [SergeyY]
RP Protocol Support-Zurich [Abhi]
- Handle generation of SOAP faults with good messages on errors 176041 abhi
- Make RPPS easily deployable for other clients 176035 abhi
- The RPPS we have built sends SOAP messages. We have written a wsdl file to describe the messages. However, it uses an ad-hoc method for parsing and handling the messages because I found the Eclipse tools for building web services from wsdl to be buggy and frustrating to debug. Thus, improving the robustness of our rpps by using more standard ws tools might be a goal.
I-Card Registry [Valery]
- Design and implement I-Card Registry 160410 Valery
- Continue work on I-Card Provider API 160375 Valery
I-Card Providers [SergeyL]
- Cardspace-compatible Managed provider 168850 SergeyL
- CardSpace-compatible Personal provider 175719 SergeyL
- URI provider 169233 Valery