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Intent/Prior 0.10
Note about this version
This documentation describes Intent project prior to 0.10 version. It was a first try to do an engine based on Litterate Programming paradigm. Based on the feedback of users, project was rebooted to remove the obligation to use the Intent authoring tool
Intent is a newly proposed open source project under Mylyn. Intent 0.8 is available as part of the Eclipse Kepler Release Train.
The Mylyn Intent prime objective is to make developers consider documentation as something useful and easy to maintain, that they can use to formalize their best practices and share their knowledge. Based on a new vision of the documentation, in which explanations in natural langage are formally linked with technical artefacts (java code, models, manifest files, bugzilla issues, git repositories, etc.), Intent allows you to efficiently update documentation when a change occurs in your software, turning it into a true Agile documentation.
On top of that synchronization mechanism, Intent provides advanced tooling to write/query your documentation with everything you would expect from a modern IDE (completion, quick-fixes, quick-outlines allowing semantic searches...). Intent also allows live collaboration around documentation tasks.
The documentation, integrated with other Eclipse tools, then becomes truly useful and is no longer a burden that developers have to carry to please their customers or project manager.
Don't know where to start? Check out our useful links or the project summary.
Based on Donald Knuth's Literate Programming concepts and allowing collaborative work around design tasks, Intent was presented at Agile ALM connect 2013 and EclipseCon Europe 2012.
"Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do."
Donald Knuth, Literate Programming (1984)
Intent Overview
The following pages provide an overview of the Intent project :
- Mission Statement - General presentation
- Architecture - Design choices and extensibility
- Demos - Intent demos (video clips included)
- Use Cases and Scenarios - Step-by-step use cases with screenshots
- 2012 Release Plan - See what's planned for Intent 0.7 (Juno)
- Buzz - Articles and blogs about Intent
- Intent Useful links - Useful links to understand what Intent is about
Getting Started
- Intent Useful links - Useful links to understand what Intent is about
- User FAQ - Can't find the answer you're looking for? Just ask.
- Installation Guide - How to install Intent
- Tutorials - Tutorials to get started with Intent
Getting Involved
- Project Summary - To get usefull links like git repository, bugzilla & hudson builds location
- Customize and Extend Intent - Make Intent fit your needs
- Further Readings - Books, articles and papers used to create Intent
The Intent Project
Currently in incubation phase, it is part of the Mylyn's Docs project.
- 09/06/2013 : Slides From WTFM talk - ECon France are available
- 04/04/2013 : Transcript of the Agile Documentation Talk - ECon Boston 2013
- 04/04/2013 : Transcript of the Documentation Driven Testing Talk - ECon Boston 2013
- 17/12/2012 : Intent presentation on Jaxenter
- 15/12/2012 : EclipseCon 2012 talk is available in video
- 05/11/2012 : New post : The Shape of Things to Come (Kepler roadmap)
- 26/10/2012 : Transcript of the EclipseCon Europe 2012 talk
- 28/06/2012 : Video Record of the Intent talk at Eclipse DemoCamp Juno is available (in french)
- 27/06/2012 : Intent 0.7 released with Juno Release Train
- 04/04/2012 : Transcript of the Agile ALM 2012 talk
- 02/12/2011 : Intent will be at Agile ALM Connect 2011
- 08/11/2011 : Transcript of the EclipseCon Europe 2011 talk
- 04/11/2011 : Intent will be at EclipseCon Europe 2011
- 02/09/2011 : Intent Nightly Builds in place
- 04/07/2011 : Intent is now on github
- 11/04/2011 : Intent website has been created
- 22/03/2011 : Talk at Eclipse con : Mylyn meets Intent...
- 17/03/2011 : Intent Creation Review succeeded
- New post : Mylyn Intent @ EclipseCon 2011
- 01/02/2011 : Intent proposal has been published
- 27/12/2010 : Intent will be at Eclipse Con 2011
- New post : Intent Discovery - Part 1 : the intents behind softwares