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Higgins 1.0 Tracking Page
This is an old Higgins 1.0 tracking page
RP Enablement
- Bruce needs to check in the refactored RP code
Client-based Selector
- Andy to test CVS-to-SVN conversion tool on entire Higgins repository
- Andy to add back the links to where the source code on Eclipse to the ISSD Component is
- Andy to improve this page: Client-based Selector
- Novell to change this selector to use HBX for Firefox
Web-based Selector
Sprint 1 (Completed)
- Ask for first, last, email in setup wizard 205387 [DONE]
- Display p-card attribute values [DONE]
- Merging code 185535 (critical) [DONE]
Sprint 2
- Get new project checked in 205135
- Determine the dependencies ASAP!!
- Get some initial code checked in to the right CVS project
- Support for both Delete AND Remove (m-card) buttons 195912
- Newly imported m-card doesn't appear in "old" ICM pages 198754
- Preview m-card claim values
- Support for 4 auth types 199310 - we already have support for un/pw, what's critical is support for auth by a p-card; support for x509 and Kerberos is low priority
- R-Card data format (XML schema)
- final revisions to higgins.owl
- add "isEditableBy" attriubte metadata (range is a SubjectRelation)
- Test that IdAS API is extensible (e.g. to allow these)
- Access Control List per Digital Subject managed at the Context level
Sprint 3
- Revised wiki pages and software documentation 191659
- Add CardSpace importing functionality192252
- Improve i-card transferring via WS (claims) 193700
- Redevelop Ant build scripts to make Web App. automatically. 196262
- Add support for update of ICards198367
- issue community i-names
Higgins Browser Extension for Firefox
- Priority P2-5 items here
- Integrated i-card selector:
- RP cert display
- RP ev-cert display
- "include optional claims" checkbox
- Remember this password option checkbox
- Remember this card option checkbox
- Password reset
- Password recovery
- Setup wizard must ask for (First name, Last name, email address, i-name "root")
- must be parameterized by community i-name prefix (e.g. @novell*, @ibm*)
- General harmonizing of UI, e.g with a remember this decision check box, etc.
- Import p-card and .crds file in general
- Export p-card into .crds file
- Create p-card [DONE]
- Edit p-card [DONE]
- During account provisioning:
- Auto-generate an initial p-card
- Auto-generate an initial OpenID self-issued r-card
- Change password
- Password recovery
- OpenID 1.1 OP
- OpenID 1.1 with SimpleReg
- Logging: where each card has been used, timestamp, etc. (like CardSpace)
Sprint 1
- Refactor to use new IdAS registry
- nightly build scripts for each Component
- code to generate (CardSpace 1.0 compatible) key pair
- code to generate (CardSpace 1.0 compatible) PPID
- User Profile Management should talk to IdAS
- Update the Components page (e.g. one sentence wiki pages for each Components) [DONE]
- Local configure and build scripts for each STS Component
- Local configure and build scripts for overall STS Deployment
If possible:
- Currently we only support WS-SecurityPolicy Transport Binding, we should support symmetric and asymmetric key binding. (Involves changes to both the server and the STS client).
- Kerberos token types
- x509 token types
Post 1.0 issues:
- SAML 2.0 tokens
- WS-Federation
IdAS Deployment
Open issues:
- Update the deployment diagram
- Refactor to use new IdAS registry
- nightly build scripts for each Component
- Maven configure and build scripts for each Component
- Maven configure and build scripts for overall Deployment
RCP Selector Solution
Sprint 1
- RCP I-Card Selector
- Embedded I-Card Manager
- Per-platform installers
- Need to install Higgins Browser Extension and the single process java agent exe with a single installation process
- Windows .MSI Installer
- OSX Installer?
- RPM Installer?
- Debian Installer?
Cross-cutting Items
Component APIs and SPIs reviews
- Looking at API/SPIs from an app developers point of view
- Looking at API/SPIs from a Higgins developer point of view
Configure, Build & Deploy
- Maven configure/build/test scripts
- Nightly build scripts
- Wiki documentation of how to build each of the Deployments
- Wiki documentation of how to build each of the Components