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Ecore Tools/ReleaseReview/juno

Juno Release Review - Ecore Tools 1.1

Juno Simultaneous Release

Release Review

Cedric Brun (

Ed Merks (

Release Review : May 30, 2012

Communication Channel : EMFT newsgroup

Process Documentation :

Project Plan :

Juno Release Highlights

New and noteworthy

Ecore Tools 1.1 is compatible with Eclipse 3.8/4.2.

The project migrated on GIT ( )

The build system has been updated to use Tycho, any potential contributor should be able to build and test his fork with mvn clean verify

Quality of APIs

The component lead certifies that the requirements for Eclipse Quality APIs have been met for this release. All non-API code is in « internal » packages. There is no « discouraged access » warning on the code.


The project has quite a lot of adopters looking at the feedback sources (bugzilla and Eclipse forums). It is one of best graphical modelers available through the Juno update site.

The previous team could maintain the minimum effort level to get the build up and running to be part of the simultaneous release. Ed Merks and Cédric Brun offered to keep the project alive caring for the builds and the Juno requirements.

The git migration and easily reproducible build tasks have been done in the idea of lowering the step to get into the project.

Anybody having incentives to contribute to this project will be gladly welcome.

Committer diversity : 2 committers : 1 Individual committers and one from Obeo

Architectural Issues & End-of-Life Issues

No new architectural issue in this release. There is no specific end of life concern for this release.

IP Issues

The Ecore Tools component leadership verifies that the Eclipse IP policies and procedures have been followed

All contributions (code, documentation, images, etc) have been committed by individuals who are either Members of the Foundation, or have signed the appropriate Committer Agreement. In either case, these are individuals who have signed, and are abiding by, the Eclipse IP Policy.

The "provider" field of each plugin or feature is set to "Eclipse Modeling Project".

The "copyright" field of each plugin or feature is set to the copyright owner.

Any third-party logos or trademarks included in the distribution (icons, logos, etc) have been licensed under the EPL.

The Ecore Tools IP log is located at

Project log generated and to be reviewed by Eclipse Legal

Presentation of Ecore Tools

The Ecore Tools component provides a complete environment to create, edit and maintain Ecore models. This component eases handling of Ecore models with a Graphical Ecore Editor and bridges to other existing Ecore tools (Validation, Search, Compare, Emfatic, generators...). The Graphical Ecore Editor implements multi-diagram support, a custom tabbed properties view, validation feedbacks, refactoring capabilities...


Non-Code Aspects

Unit tests

13 Junit tests cover the UI aspects of the editor and are run on the Eclipse build server.

Code quality

Comments represent 32% of the Java source code.


A documentation is available in the Help menu : EMF Ecore Tools Developer Guide.


blocker 0 3 0 3
critical 1 2 3 6
major 8 5 7 20
normal 52 9 34 95
minor 5 0 3 8
enhancement 23 16 11 50
TOTAL 89 39 62 190

Note : These figures are a snapshot taken on June 5th, 2012. See the generated Bugzilla report for up to date information


EcoreTools is based on the following standards :

  • JavaTM 1.5
  • Ecore
  • Based on GMF 2.2

UI Usability

Filters, Navigability, Multi-diagrams... Internationalization Ecore Tools uses Eclipse i18n support Localization Ecore Tools map added to Babel


The schedule should match the release train for "+3" projects. As there has been very few evolutions recently on EcoreTools, we schedule very few candidate builds. There should be no major change between these versions.

Ecore Tools 1.1 Release Plan

RC1	05/22/2012
RC2	05/29/2012
RC3	06/05/2012
Final  06/12/2012
1.1    06/27/2012

Project Plan

The Juno project plan is available at

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