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Eclipse UML Generators/Specification/EmbeddedCGenerator/Contribution

Evolution Specification: UML Generator for Embedded C

Current status is ARCHIVED


As initial contribution to the Eclipse UML generators project, Spacebel proposes development methods and a ANSI C code generator for Embedded Software.

Relevant tickets:

  • Bug 464671 - C code generator for Embedded Software


Spacebel is a software engineering company that has grown in the space market to become a trusted developer of advanced IT solutions and a provider of related IT services. The company serves space agencies, government departments, major aerospace companies, European institutions as well as the commercial market. Spacebel delivers on board control and data handling software, simulation infrastructure and models, satellites and mission control centres as well as earth observation services provisioning infrastructures.

Spacebel designs, develops and implements "tailor-made" software systems for the space industry, in particular. The company can take large responsibilities in the development of software systems, starting at initial specification phases and extending up to commissioning and final acceptance.

Thus, the quality of the generated code and the definition of the various models are a daily concern. Thanks to the initiative of open-source project such as Eclipse, Spacebel makes R&D efforts to prototype a C generator. Today, the prototype is the main tool to produce code. Therefore, it became obvious for Spacebel to contribute to the Eclipse UML generator project.

The proposed feature is able to generate C code from UML models. What distinguishes Embedded C from regular C generator are:

  • repeatable and reliable generation of code
  • preservation of the implementation fields
  • highly documented detailed design
  • compliance to common guidelines of C language in aerospace domain
  • traceability of the specification (requirements) in the sources

In order to mitigate the abstraction of UML, the generator comes up with an UML profile: the Embedded_C profile.

Detailed Specification

This chapter presents a detailed specification of the Generator UML to Embedded C. The following lines specify the functional & non-functional requirements that shall be implemented by the generator and the UML profile 'Embedded_C'.

Profile specification

UML is so generic and sometimes so abstract that it is really hard to map the C language in UML. In order to overcome this problem, the entities of the C language are described with the help of UML stereotypes. Indeed, the UML standard often needs extensions to specify entities that only exist in C.

Therefore, UML stereotypes constitute a nice way to extend the UML standard. A stereotype is defined either as an extension of a UML base meta-class or as a specialization of an existing stereotype. The extension relationship of UML is not an association but a kind of association directed from the stereotype to the extended meta-class. Consequently, the metadata conveyed by the associated the attributes of the stereotype are associated to the extended meta-class in a transparent manner for the meta-class itself. This allows profiles owning the stereotypes to be applied and removed dynamically without modifying the underlying models.

For the sake of simplicity, a minimum number of stereotypes have been defined.

REQ-PROF-001: The profile Embedded_C shall be identified under the ID 'org.eclipse.umlgen.gen.embedded.c.profile'.

REQ-PROF-002: The profile Embedded_C shall provide the following stereotypes:

  • Array
  • Asm
  • Attribute
  • Constant
  • Inline
  • Pointer
  • Requirement
  • Singleton
  • Object
  • Struct
  • Typedef
  • Union
  • UsesStaticMethods
  • Value
  • Volatile

REQ-PROF-003: The stereotype 'Array' shall be applicable for any uml::Property. It shall have the following attribute:

  • The ‘multiplicity’ of the array shall be specified. The type of the attribute shall be 'String' meaning that it can be an alphanumeric value.
Stereotype Array.JPEG

REQ-PROF-004: The stereotype 'Asm' shall be applicable for any uml::Operation.

Stereotype Asm.JPEG

REQ-PROF-005: The stereotype 'Attribute' shall be applicable for any uml::Property or uml::Datatype. It shall have the following attribute:

  • The 'attribute' of the property or datatype shall be specified (aligned, packed, ...).
Stereotype Attribute.JPEG

REQ-PROF-006: The stereotype 'Constant' shall be applicable for any uml::EnumerationLiteral of a given uml::Enumeration. It shall have the following attributes:

  • The ‘declaration’ of the constant shall be specified or leave empty. The type of the attribute is String meaning that it can be an alphanumeric value.
  • The ‘condition’ of the constant shall be specified or leave at ‘None’. In case ifndef or ifdef is selected, the definition of the constant will be conditional with respect to its name existence.
Stereotype Constant.JPEG

REQ-PROF-007: The stereotype 'Inline' shall be applicable for any uml::Operation.

  • The ‘condition’ of the inline operation shall be specified or leave at ‘None’. In case ifndef or ifdef is selected, the definition of the inline operation will be conditional with respect to a ‘value’.
  • The ‘value’ (of the condition) of the inline operation shall be specified or leave empty. The attribute ‘Value’ only takes effect when the attribute ‘condition’ is different than ‘None’ (e.g. condition = 'ifdef, value = 'DEBUGGING).
Stereotype Inline.JPEG

REQ-PROF-008: The stereotype 'Pointer' shall be applicable for any uml::TypedElement. It shall have the following attribute:

  • The pointer kind shall be specified. The pointer can be simple, double or none. The pointer may also be oriented constant data or constant pointer.
Stereotype Pointer.JPEG

REQ-PROF-009: The stereotype 'Requirement' shall be applicable for any uml::Constraint. It shall have the following attributes:

  • The attribute ‘parents’ shall make the traceability between requirement baseline and technical specification. The value of the ‘parents’ can be empty or it can be a list of requirement IDs.
  • It shall possible to specify how the requirement is verified (Review, Inspection, Test, Analysis). By default, the verification by test shall be selected.
Stereotype Requirement.JPEG

REQ-PROF-010: The stereotype 'Singleton' shall be applicable for any uml::Class.

Stereotype Singleton.JPEG

REQ-PROF-011: The stereotype 'Object' shall be applicable for any uml::Class.

Stereotype Object.JPEG

REQ-PROF-012: The stereotype 'Struct' shall be applicable for any uml::TypedElement.

Stereotype Struct.JPEG

REQ-PROF-013: The stereotype 'Typedef' shall be applicable for any uml::DataType or uml::Enumeration. It shall have the following attribute:

  • The attribute ‘MappedType’ shall be specified. The attribute must receive the existing type to which it is mapped.

In case of Enumeration, if the attribute ‘MappedType’ is specified, the default type of the Enumeration is redefined by an specified mapped type. Otherwise, the Enumeration itself is seen as a type.

Stereotype Typedef.JPEG

REQ-PROF-014: The stereotype 'Union' shall be applicable for any uml::DataType.

Stereotype Union.JPEG

REQ-PROF-015: The stereotype 'UsesStaticMethods' shall be applicable for any uml::Property.

Stereotype UsesStaticMethods.JPEG

REQ-PROF-016: The stereotype 'Value' shall be applicable for any uml::EnumerationLiteral. It shall have the following attribute:

  • The attribute ‘Value’ shall be specified. It specifies the value of the Enumeration Literal. It can be an alphanumeric value.
Stereotype Value.JPEG

REQ-PROF-017: The stereotype 'Volatile' shall be applicable for uml::Property.

Stereotype Volatile.JPEG

In addition to the stereotypes, the profile should also own the basic types of the C language.

REQ-PROF-018: The profile Embedded_C shall provide the primitive types of the C language:

  • char
  • signed char
  • unsigned char
  • int
  • signed int
  • unsigned int
  • short
  • signed short
  • unsigned short
  • long
  • signed long
  • unsigned long
  • long long
  • signed long long
  • unsigned long long
  • float
  • double
  • void
File-Primitive Types.JPEG

Generator specification

The Generator UML to Embedded C shall be an Acceleo based generator which shall be compliant to the UML2 meta-model ( The following lines present the general specification of the feature and a detailed specification of the model to text transformations.

General specification

REQ-GEN-001: The Generator UML to Embedded C shall be identified under the ID 'org.eclipse.umlgen.gen.embedded.c'.

REQ-GEN-002: The feature Generator UML to Embedded C shall include at least the following plugins:

  • org.eclipse.umlgen.gen.embedded.c
  • org.eclipse.umlgen.gen.embedded.c.profile

REQ-GEN-003: The Generator UML to Embedded C shall be a specialization of the 'org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.service.AbstractAcceleoGenerator'.

REQ-GEN-004: The generator shall generate ANSI C files from an UML model.

The model shall contain at least one uml::Package. Otherwise, nothing is generated.

REQ-GEN-005: The maximum size of a comment line shall be 120 semi-colomns.

REQ-GEN-006: The size of a tabulation shall be 4 spaces.

Package specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Package.

Package element.jpg

REQ-PACK-001: A uml::Package shall take the representation of a directory in the file system. The name of the directory shall be the name of the uml::Package.

REQ-PACK-002: Besides the directory, a header and a source file shall be generated for each uml::Package. The name of the files shall be the name of the uml::Package.

REQ-PACK-003: The header file of a uml::Package shall contain the followings:

  • A configurable comment placed at the top of the file
  • The path of the file
  • The includes of parent uml::Package and dependencies (uml::Usage)
  • Comments documenting the uml::Package (with Doxygen tokens)
  • Traceability with the specification (requirement list)
  • Definitions of macros or constants
  • Definitions of types
Package h.jpg

REQ-PACK-004: The source file of a uml::Package shall contain the followings:

  • A configurable comment placed at the top of the file
  • The path of the file
  • The includes of its own header and dependencies (uml::Usage)
Package c.jpg

Class specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Class.

Object example.jpg

REQ-CLASS-001: The generator shall generate a source file plus a header file for any uml::Class. The name of both files shall be equal to the name of the uml::Class.

REQ-CLASS-002: The header file of an uml::Class shall contain at least the followings:

  • A configurable comment placed at the top of the file
  • The path of the file
  • The includes of parent uml::Package and dependencies (uml::Usage)
  • Comments documenting the uml::Class (with Doxygen tokens)
  • Traceability with the specification (requirement list)
  • Definitions of macros or constants
  • Definitions of types
  • Declaration of global variables
  • Declaration of inline functions
  • Declaration of prototypes of public operations
Object h2.jpg

REQ-CLASS-003: The source file of an uml::Class shall contain at least the followings:

  • A configurable comment placed at the top of the file
  • The path of the file
  • The includes of its own header and dependencies (uml::Usage)
  • Declaration of variables
  • Declaration of prototypes of private operations
  • Declaration of variables that use private operations
  • Declaration of functions (protected implementation field included)
Object c2.jpg

REQ-CLASS-004: A uml::Class may have several representations. The generator shall manage the following extensions:

  • Object
  • Singleton

REQ-CLASS-005: In case of uml::Class stereotyped as 'Object', the properties of the given uml::Class shall be generated as variables.

The variables may be public (generated in the source file and external in the header file) or private (generated statically in the source file).

REQ-CLASS-006: In presence of uml::Class stereotyped as 'Singleton' or nothing, a structural definition of the uml::Class shall be generated where the fields of the structure are the properties of the given uml::Class.

The name of the C structure is the name of the uml::Class plus the string '_t'.

REQ-CLASS-007: In presence of a uml::Class stereotyped as 'Singleton', its structural definition shall be instantiated once as a static variable in the source file if the singleton is private.

The name of the variable shall be equal to the name of the 'Singleton'.

Property specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Property.


REQ-PROP-001: A uml::Property which has no type shall be generated as #define.

The default value of the uml::Property is the value of the #define.

REQ-PROP-002: A typped uml::Property marked as read-only shall be generated as constant ('const').

REQ-PROP-003: A uml::Property of an 'Object' class shall be generated as variables.

REQ-PROP-004: Private uml::Property of an 'Object' shall be generated as static variable in the source file.

REQ-PROP-005: Public uml::Property of an 'Object' shall be generated as extern variable in the header file.

REQ-PROP-006: The default value of the property of an 'Object' shall be generated as the initialisation of the variable.

REQ-PROP-007: In case a uml::Comment is applied to the uml::Property, Doxygen comments shall be generated.

REQ-PROP-008: In case the stereotype 'Array' is applied to a uml::Property, the uml::Property shall be generated as an Array with the specified multiplicity.

In case the uml::Multiplicity (upper bound) of the uml::Property is higher than 1 and no stereotype Array is applied on, the uml::Property shall also be generated as an Array with the specified upper value.

REQ-PROP-009: In case the stereotype 'Pointer' is applied on a uml::Property, simple or double pointer shall be generated for the given variable.

REQ-PROP-010: In case the stereotype 'Volatile' is applied on a uml::Property, the keyword 'volatile' shall be generated for the given variable.

REQ-PROP-011: In case the stereotype 'Attribute' is applied on a uml::Property, the keyword '_attribute_' shall be generated for the given variable with its value.

REQ-PROP-012: In case the stereotype 'UsesStaticMethods' is applied on a uml::Property, the variable shall be generated after the declaration of static prototype(s).

This is typically the case of static callback table where callbacks are static functions.

REQ-PROP-013: In case requirement(s) constrain(s) a uml::Property, a requirement list shall be generated.

Enumeration specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Enumeration.

REQ-ENUM-001: A uml::Enumeration shall be generated as 'typedef enum'. The name of the enumeration shall be equal to the name of the uml::Enumeration.


REQ-ENUM-002: In case the stereotype 'Typedef' is applied to a uml::Enumeration, the enumeration shall be generated as a simple 'enum'. Below the the 'enum' declaration, a 'typdef' shall specify the corresponding mapped type.

Enum type.jpg

REQ-ENUM-003: Inside a uml::Enumeration, a uml::EnumerationLiteral stereotyped as 'Constant' shall be generated as #define.

The property 'Declaration' of the stereotype 'Constant' is the value of the #define. The stereotype 'Constant' specifies also #define conditions (#ifdef, #ifndef, #endif).

REQ-ENUM-004: In case a comment is applied to the the uml::Enumeration or literals, Doxygen comments shall be generated.

REQ-ENUM-006: In case the stereotype 'Value' is applied to a uml::EnumerationLiteral, the value of the literal shall be forced to the value of the stereotype.

REQ-ENUM-006: In case requirement(s) constrain(s) a uml::Enumeration, a requirement list shall be generated.

Datatype specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Datatype.

REQ-DTYPE-001: A uml::Datatype shall be generated as 'typedef struct'. The id of the structure shall be the name of the uml::Datatype.

REQ-DTYPE-002: All the porperties of the uml::Datatype shall be generated as fields of the structure.

The properties are generated with their types, the multiplicity and the comment (properties may also be stereotyped as 'struct', 'Array', ...).

Data type.jpg

REQ-DTYPE-003: A uml::Datatype stereotyped as 'union' shall be generated as 'typedef union'.

REQ-DTYPE-004: A uml::Datatype stereotyped as 'typedef' shall be generated as 'typedef'.


REQ-DTYPE-005: In case the 'mapped type' property of the stereotype 'typedef' contains the string '%s', the latter shall be replaced by the name of the uml::Datatype.

REQ-DTYPE-006: For each type (structure, typedef or union), corresponding Doxygen comment shall be generated.

REQ-DTYPE-007: In case the stereotype 'struct' is applied on a property of a uml::Datatype, the keyword 'struct' shall specify the field.

REQ-DTYPE-008: In case the stereotype 'pointer' is applied on a property of a uml::Datatype, simple or double pointer shall be generated for the given field.

REQ-DTYPE-009: In case the stereotype 'Attribute' is applied on a uml::Datatype, the keyword '_attribute_' shall be generated for the given structure with its value.

REQ-DTYPE-010: In case requirement(s) constrain(s) a uml::Datatype, a requirement list shall be generated.

Usage specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Usage.

REQ-USE-001: Private uml::Usage shall be generated as #include in the source file.

REQ-USE-002: Public uml::Usage shall be generated as #include in the header file.

REQ-USE-003: A comment shall be generated to describe the object of the uml::Usage.


Operation specification

The following requirements specify the model to text transformations for uml::Operation.

REQ-OPER-001: Private operation shall be generated as static function.


REQ-OPER-002: In case no parameter with the direction 'return' is specified, the signature of the function shall be 'void'.

REQ-OPER-003: In case a parameter with the direction 'return' is specified, the signature shall be the type of this parameter.

REQ-OPER-004: The name of the function shall be the name of the operation.

REQ-OPER-005: In case no parameter is found, the argument of the function shall be 'void'.

REQ-OPER-006: Each parameter owned by the operation shall be generated as argument of the function.

The type, the pointer value, the const data or const pointer. In the prototype, each argument must be separated by a comma.


REQ-OPER-007: An operation stereotyped as 'inline' shall be generated as #define.

Inline mod.jpg

Inline operation may have conditional declaration. The stereotype 'Inline' has several Boolean property to specify #ifdef or #ifndef conditions.

REQ-OPER-008: The parameter defined in an operation stereotyped as 'inline' shall be generated as argument of the #define.

Only the name of the parameter is generated (no type). In the prototype, each argument must be separated by a comma.

REQ-OPER-009: A protected field shall be generated for the user implementation.

This includes 'ASM' and 'Inline' operation.


REQ-OPER-010: In case the stereotype 'Pointer' is applied on a uml::Parameter, simple or double pointer shall be generated for the given argument.

This includes 'const' data or 'const' pointer.

Op pointer.jpg

REQ-OPER-011: In case requirement(s) constrain(s) a uml::Operation, a requirement list shall be generated.

Op constrain.jpg

REQ-OPER-012: Detailed comments for the function (description of the function) and for each parameters (direction, comments and type) shall be generated.

Backward Compatibility and Migration Paths

Metamodel Changes

This evolution does not change any meta-models.

API Changes

This evolution does not change any API.

User Interface Changes

For consistency, the Embedded C generator should stick with the existing generation properties and menus (ref. User Interface Consistency).

New entries for Embedded C generator shall just be added to the existing infrastructure.

Documentation Changes

User manuals should integrate the user interfaces updates for both Embedded_C profile and the generator.

Tests and Non-regression strategy

In order to exercise the generator and to verify the above requirements, series of simple UML models will be defined as test cases. For each test case, the output file(s) of the generator will compared against expected files that match the specification.

Implementation choices and tradeoffs

Concerning the implementation choices, no particular choices have been done except the use of an UML profile combined with the Acceleo generator. The latter choice may be discussed.

The choice to develop an UML profile has been made after long analysis of what can really be done with only the UML standard. It quickly appeared that UML needs extensions to cope with C syntax and developers vacillated between various ways how it should be done. Other methodologies have been argued e.g. a full Ecore meta-model approach. However, the latter implies to re-develop all the features that already exist in UML (diagrams, editor, ...) in Sirius or whatever. In addition, the full Ecore meta-model approach would be a non-standard modeling framework unlike UML standard.

This profile also strays into maintenance issues. Indeed, if the profile needs modifications, the backward compatibility needs to be preserved. Nowadays, UML modeler like Papyrus now manages the evolution of the model against modification of the profile.

Finally and after experience, it appears that the use of a UML profile for Embedded C systems covers the needs in term of C syntax, entities or even the traceability of the specification.

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