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Eclipse Finance Day 2014/Session Abstracts


Session Proposals

The organization committee will setup the agenda for the Eclipse Finance Day middle of September and informs the speakers.

Industry collaboration in Open Source - an imperative to master the challenges of the future


The presentation will briefly discuss the challenges that industries are facing (complexity, cross-company, cross-domain, security and safety as concerns). After that, I’ll talk about the experiences that we have made at Eclipse with OSS collaboration in general and OSS collaboration in our working groups (like PolarSys, openMDM, Automotive, Rail, energy sector), outlining what the drivers for their decisions were and what approach they have taken. Other topics like long-term availability, open innovation will plea into the motivation schemes for these working groups.


Ralph Müller Eclipse Foundation Europe



Sirius for finance: create your own graphical designers for IT and EA


Sirius is a field-proven technology released with Eclipse Luna. It allows the easy and rapid development of custom graphical modelers (diagrams, tables, cross-tables, trees...). This talk will give you an overview of the main Sirius features, and show how you can use it to create custom tooling around a technology you like or for your business users.

For now more than 5 years, this technology has been deployed and improved in operational and intensive contexts. Some on them are directly related to financial institutions needs: enterprise architecture, business configuration, visual modernization.

During this talk I will present:

  • How to use Sirius to create custom graphical modelers (diagram, table and tree based editors) with a live demo.
  • An overview of typical use cases for information system, with a specific focus on Enterprise Architecture.
  • The resulting Sirius modeling environment with advanced customizations, ready to be delivered to end-users.


Etienne Juliot is co-funder and vice president of Obeo, a software editor focused on Model Driven tools. He has over 14 years of experience as architect for information and embedded systems. He is strongly involved in OpenSource communities: member of the board of directors of the Eclipse Foundation, contributor to several Eclipse projects (Acceleo, Sirius, EMF, EGit, etc.), founder of Polarsys and Alliance Libre, speaker at famous conferences (EclipseCon, OMG, JUG, CSDM, ...). He manages strategic collaborations with large companies on system engineering, IT and enterprise architecture needs.



Sirius for Finance.pdf

Eclipse Stardust – eine BPM Suite mit weltweit 1.500+ Installationen im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich


Historie, Architektur und Anwendungsprofile von Workflow, Dokumentenverarbeitung, Nachrichten und Ereignisverarbeitung fuer Handel, Zahlungsverkehr, Banking, Asset Management, Versicherungswesen, Treasury und Energiewirtschaft


Marc Gille



Connecting the dots: Development Lifecycle integration with open standards


The development of complex software (and software-intense systems) usually implies the use of many domain-specific tools and repositories . These tools are widely accepted by their respective users, and usually focused on a particular domain (e.g. change/requirements management, source code management, automation etc.). However, as this is often a mix of commercial, open source and "homegrown" solutions, there is often a lack of interoperability and re-use of information. Many companies spend lots of money for developing proprietary point-to-point integrations between these tools, but often still fall short to realize a true end-to-end integrated lifecycle management solution.

In this talk we will learn about Open Services for lifecycle integrations (OSLC,, it's reference implementation Eclipse Lyo (, and how to build OSLC-compliant integrations. We will see how this open industry standard, based on concepts like RDF and the W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP), can help with cross-tool integration based on the linked data, traceability and holistic reporting. We will also shortly present some available implementations of the standard and experience from customer engagements.


Florian Georg



Mother Of All Projects - Boosting application development with Eclipse


MOAP ("Mother Of All Projects") provides templates and a collection of examples proven in practice and can be used to develop new UBS applications. The templates are used as starting points for new projects, bootstrapping them fast into development. These templates have a strong focus on development productivity and quality assurance and follow the reference architectures as outlined by the Technical Architecture team. The talk discusses the road from the reference architecture to the final instantiated, runnable project, also showing the Eclipse-based instantiation wizard.


Sebastian Hähnel and Jan Engehausen work as Software Engineers for UBS WM&SB IT in the MOAP team. They also perform educational trainings and workshops relating to technologies used in MOAP and consult developer colleagues on topics relating to MOAP. Language: Slides in English, talk in German or English (if preferred)



Transformation of PL/SQL code fragments into Spring Batch configuration via Xtext


The list of projects under the Eclipse Public Licence (EPL) is getting longer and longer. Today the eclipse project Xtext is offering an easy to use framework to develop domain specific languages. Huge code basis are now able to be interpreted with reduced cost and complexity. In this session you’ll see how we used Xtext (part of the Eclipse Modeling Project) to generate code with the use of MDD (Model Driven Development). I will show you how we parsed our PL/SQL packages having thousands of source code lines in order to provide Spring Batch configuration files.


Peter Sasse started almost 15years ago his career in IT departments of Credit Suisse AG. After having lead a team of Java developers for several years, he decided to face the challenge of coordinating proof of concept projects together with apprentices. His main focus on MDD, development of programming languages with Xtext and his certificate from “Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung” (passed in 2012) proves that he has got the knowledge and skills to prepare the apprentices for their final exam (IPA) by teaching interesting topics.



Software renovation - extending the productive lifetime of a legacy system through the modernization of its development tools


The PostFinance’s core transaction system has been serving it well for over 17 years. However, many of the technologies used in the system are no longer aligned with PostFinance’s architectural landscape and represent a technological risk. Therefore, in the long term, the system will be replaced. In the meantime we are faced with the challenge of maintaining – and upgrading – the system on a limited budget, while minimising ‘knowledge loss’ risk and – where possible – aiding the migration to a new system.

The system was originally developed using proprietary tools that combined both formal and ad hoc models with custom code generators. Due to their dependence on obsolete technologies and key personnel, these tools were responsible for both increased maintenance costs and project risk. To mitigate this issue Eclipse Xtext tooling was used to modernize the development tool chain, creating a suite of DSLs to capture the existing model information and generate the corresponding system components, giving a single unified platform for model creation/maintenance and code generation.

The talk concentrates on the challenges of modernizing the complex tooling for an extremely large legacy system, integrating with the existing development environment and the advantages of using Eclipse Xtext to achieve this goal.


Andrew Clark is a senior software engineer at Paranor. He has over 20 years experience in designing and developing software systems for the financial industry, always with a strong focus on modelling and modelling techniques. More recently he has concentrated on development tooling and release engineering.



Testing business applications with RCPTT


RCP Testing Tool (RCPTT) is an Open Source tool for UI testing of Eclipse-based applications. The main focus is reliability of test case results. In addition it significantly improves QA engineer productivity both for new test case creation and maintaining an existing test base. The key benefits are:

  • Zero-configuration approach – just select application on the disk in order to start testing
  • Speed up test case development with recording of user actions
  • Extensible DSL for describing user actions
  • Extensible record/replay support for custom user controls (though most of custom controls can be tested out of the box)
  • Seamless continuous integration by using 3rd party products

RCPTT deeply integrates into Eclipse platform internals to get an information about workbench structure, background operations, loaded images, etc., so what is black box for generic tools is as clear as crystal for RCPTT.

In this talk we are going to discuss our case studies about using RCPTT for various finance software, difference between human, generic tool and RCPTT view on the application, demonstrate the process of test case creation, and describe some common pitfalls and ways to overcome them.


Ivan Inozemtsev works at Xored and leads the Eclipse RCP Testing Tool project. His past experience at Xored includes leading development of F4, an Eclipse-based open source IDE for the Fantom programming language, and contributing to various Eclipse-based products for customers.



Model based migration of Oracle Forms applications


As part of the corporate's IT strategy, RHENUS Logistics decided the migrate Oracle Forms applications towards Java based approaches and fade out Oracle Forms from the technology stack. The main application consists of 16 subsystems and over 1200 forms. After the evalution of different products and approaches, RHENUS decided to built an Eclipse based tool chain to support the migration towards a DSL based development environment. With means of code generation, Oracle Forms metadata is transformed to the newly defined DSL languages. A second code generator translates the DSL models into a fully working application skeleton. While a great amount of the existing forms can nearly completely translated, some manuel implementation effort remains for forms with complex PL/SQL based business logic. After the initial migration of the Oracle Forms modules, RHENUS developers will use the new tool chain to develop the application further in the future. After successful migration of TMS, the tools will be used to migrate other remaining Forms based applications.

The complete tool chain is based on Eclipse technologies. While for the SDK toolkit Xtext, Xtend, EMF play a major role. The application's target architecture is based on Eclipse Scout for the (Web-/RAP-based) client and service layer, and EclipseLink for the integration with the Oracle database.

We will discuss in this talk the migration approach against others the customer considered in his evaluation. Further we will share our experience in using the Scout framework in this large user scenario and how the application developers, which have a strong Oracle but no Java background at all, perceived the new development environment.


Karsten Thoms works as Software Architect at itemis AG. Karsten has over 15 years experience in the development of Java enterprise systems. His special focus is on Model Driven Development, especially with Code Generation and DSL development. At Eclipse he leads together with Sven Efftinge the Xpand project, which originated from former openArchitectureWare. Karsten is also involved into several open source projects, mainly with the same focus. The migration project for RHENUS Karsten joined in November 2013 and there he is responsible for all technical decisions and actively works on the tool development.



Migrating the JSP Frontent of a Banking Application to Eclipse Scout


This session presents a recent modernization project at the Raiffeisen banking group to replace a proprietary JSP based framework with an open source framework. The decision to discontinue the maintenance of the JSP based framework that has been developed in-house led to the search for an alternative solution that was better addressing the current needs of the organisation. The new technology should be actively maintained, freely available in the open source domain, and should not require substantial training of the existing developer group.

After briefly presenting the application that has been modernized, the decision for Eclipse Scout as a replacement for the old JSP based framework is motivated. Then, we describe the chosen approach that combines an initial automated migration step with a manual migration phase for the front-end business logic and the wiring with the application's back-end.

Based on a specific dialog of the application, we explain the automated migration step that transformed a JSP form to a running Eclipse Scout components and talk about the process of defining which tasks to automate and which tasks to leave for the manual migration step.

The session concludes with the project's current status, the lessons learned and a set of recommendations for future, similar modernization projects.


Peter Nüdling, Project Manager, Raiffeisen Peter Barthazy, Eclipse Committer, BSI Business Systems Integration AG Jeremie Bresson, Eclipse Committer, BSI Business Systems Integration AG



Automating user interface tests with behavior-driven development (BDD)


In today's complex and rapidly changing web-app based environment, automated testing is widely employed to maintain and measure software quality. However; test automation introduces its own set of concerns which includes but is not limited to:

  • skilled developers are needed to maintain test code
  • it is not easy to change or mix testing tools
  • changes to the UI or test specifications are not reflected in test code
  • breaking tests are only discovered at runtime detecting visual defects is hard

A general problem in (automated and non-automated) testing is the the gap of understanding between business stakeholders and developers. To this end, the agile community conceived behavior driven development (BDD), a more business-value focused methodology based on test-driven development (TDD).

In this session we will present a methodology as well accompanying tools to:

  • specify the user interface in wireframe diagrams
  • write succinct BDD-style test cases in an Xtext based domain-specific language (DSL) that formalizes common UI elements, interaction patterns and verification techniques
  • separate the concerns of the user interface designer, test engineer and software developer
  • generate test code for multiple drivers (such as Geb, Jubula and Tosca) detect breaking tests at development time where possible


Jose Badeau is a consultant for | ESGroup AG. He is experienced in automated software testing, client-side integration frameworks and single-page applications (SPA).

Dietmar Stoll works as a consultant and coach for | itemis Switzerland. His main interests are model driven software development (MDSD), domain specific languages (DSLs) such as Xtext and Eclipse modeling technologies.


Automating user interface tests with behavior-driven development (BDD).pdf

Modernisation of Software


Successful software solutions have a long life time, sometimes spanning decades. At some point in time that leads to the necessity to think about modernising the solution because business and technology are changing rapidly over time. The talk starts with looking at the reasons for modernisation, the goals that shall be reached and the alternatives (from „stay with the old solution“ over different ways of automated migration to „write new software from scratch“). Looking at the semi-automated migration of an insurance solution from RPG to Java some typical problems and ways to address them are shown. Based on these experiences the talk ends with hints about how to choose the right approach for your modernisation project.


Georg Pietrek started writing business software before beginning his studies in computer science at university. That results in more than 30 years of experience starting with old technologies (IBM host, Fortran) and going to modern technologies (his main focus today is on Java technology). He is working as software architect for enterprise applications with different technologies (Java, .NET, SharePoint) and different sizes (up to projects with more than 100 staff members). He is member of the board at itemis AG, at itemis he is responsible for the research projects.

What Finance Systems can learn from Embedded Systems


Embedded Systems and Finance Backend Systems have a very different focus, but face a lot of similar problems. Typical problems are the implementation of complex eventdriven, statebased behavior (e.g. telecom and finance protocols) and non functional requirements like performance, reliability and scalability. The Eclipse Project eTrice ( implements the domain specific language ROOM (Realtime Object Oriented Modeling), a language developed for complex telecom and embedded systems. The talk will show how eTrice modeling tools and code generators can be applied for the development of finance backend systems.


Thomas Schuetz holds a degree in aerospace engineering of the University of Munich and is CEO and consultant of Protos Software, which he founded in 1997. He served as project lead or architect in many projects with the focus on model-based development for Embedded Systems and other domains. He also is project lead of the Eclipse Project eTrice.

User-Driven Open Source Communities, auch für den Finanzsektor


Heute gibt es rund eine Million Open Source Programme. Die meisten sind von Entwicklern oder Software-Herstellern gegründet worden. Immer häufiger starten heute auch Software-Anwender neue Open Source Projekte. Diese User-Driven Open Source Communities erlauben es Ressourcen zu bündeln um gemeinsam Software-Plattformen zu entwickeln. Erfolgreiche Beispiele gibt es bei Behörden, bei Universitäten, in der Automobilbranche und auch in der Finanzbranche.


Matthias Stürmer


User-Driven Open Source Communities, auch für den Finanzsektor

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