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Eclipse DemoCamps November 2013

Eclipse DemoCamp Old.jpg

From November 1-30, we are inviting individuals to organize and attend Eclipse DemoCamps around the world. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool technology being built by the Eclipse community.

Eclipse Events Interactive Map
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Demo Camps

are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool and interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet Eclipse enthusiasts in your city. The format of a DemoCamp is informal. A group of Eclipse enthusiasts meets up and demos what they are doing with Eclipse. The demos can be from research projects, Eclipse open source projects, applications based on Eclipse, commercial products using Eclipse or whatever may be of interest to the attendees.


are a chance for developers to gather and hack away on bugs and feature requests, and come up with a reasonable patch by the end of the Hackathon.

They are also informal – a group of Eclipse hackers meets up and hacks away on bugs and feature requests for a particular Eclipse project. Attendees usually break out into groups of two or three and get hands-on support from a project veteran to help ensure that a patch can be completed. Here's an example of a Hackathon from November 2012.

The only stipulation about these events is that they must be Eclipse related. Take a look at the list of projects on or on Wikipedia, and the Wikipedia list of Eclipse-based software.


If you have not organized a Camp or Hackathon in the past, please read this page on organizing a DemoCamp, and then send email to so we can add you to our list of organizers.

When signing up to organize a DemoCamp or a Hackathon, please be sure to give us your contact information. Either include your individual email address on your event page, or send an email to to provide your contact information.

When organizing a Camp or Hackathon, add your event to the list below, then create a separate wiki page for your event. To help you create the wiki page, we have a template. To use the template, open it for editing and copy the contents of the edit window to your clipboard, and then select "Cancel" at the bottom of the page to cancel the editing session. Open up your new event page for editing, copy the contents of your clipboard into the editing window, and make your updates. Please do not edit the template.

Click on a city below to find out details and to let the organizers know you plan on attending. Some cities have not finalized a date or location but we still encourage you to let the organizer know you would like to attend.

Demo Sources

Please consider sharing presented demo sources or hacked solutions at

November 2013 DemoCamps

Past DemoCamps

November 2013 Hackathons


Past DemoCamps

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