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Meeting Title: | TM Committer Meeting |
Date & Time: | Wednesday May 6, 2009 at 1600 UTC / 12pm Toronto![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | Martin to call everybody by Skype Interested Parties ping martin.oberhuber on Skype Chat for getting added to the call. |
Backup dial-in: International +44 (0)1452 567588 / Freephone +1 (866) 6161738 / UK 08712460713 / Passcode: 0587322148 #
Skype dial-in: martin.oberhuber, ddykstal (or david_dykstal), david-k-mcknight, kevin.j.doyle, xuan.chen886, eugenetarassov, michael_scharf, uwe.stieber, radoslav.gerganov, wrsfburton, anna_dushistova.
- Committers:
- IBM - Xuan Chen, Kevin Doyle, Dave McKnight
- Wind River - Martin Oberhuber
- MontaVista - Anna Dushistova
Last Meetings
Status round call
- DaveM - bug 238288 ImageRegistry, OK to use toString() of the image descriptor as key for the registry? Yes
- Xuan - Going to fix terminal DBCS issues? - Martin won't fix
- Xuan - Useractions source to be removed? - IBM can use their own feature, or create a separate useractions source feature in openRSE
- Anna - no time to work on CBI right now
- Martin - bug 263178 Remotecdt move complete
TM 3.1 status
- 3.1M7 on Tue 5-May-2009 was UI FREEZE! Performance run.
- Flexibility for import/export parts of the model (e.g. User actions)? Preemptively do the UI stuff? - AI DaveD create bug, defer decision for now
- Rado bug 196176 - Deferred drag&drop SWT too late for 3.1
- bug 196337 - TM Local Terminal Connector - too late for 3.1
- 3.1M6 Assigned Open bugs - AI Everyone reassign target milestone as appropriate
- 3.1M7 Assigned Open bugs - Galileo M7 is on Tue May 5!
- Severity Major open bugs, High Priority open bugs, DSDP/TM/3.0 Known Issues and Workarounds
- Many patches on bugzilla, feel free to commit to 3.1 stream... avoid too many patches
- Community contributions: 42 Open bugs with patches right now, should apply before patches get outdated (see also the Bug Process Page for a query)
- Focus on testing, hi-priority fixes and adding Unittests now
Next Meeting
- Next DSDP/TM/Meetings/20-May-2009 Committer (2 weeks after)
- Next DSDP/TM/Meetings/3-Jun-2009 (4 weeks after)