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Meeting Title: | TM Committer Meeting |
Date & Time: | Wednesday Feb 4, 2009 at 1700 UTC / 12pm Toronto![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | Martin to call everybody by Skype Interested Parties ping martin.oberhuber on Skype Chat for getting added to the call. |
Backup dial-in: International +44 (0)1452 567588 / Freephone +1 (866) 6161738 / UK 08712460713 / Passcode: 0587322148 #
Skype dial-in: martin.oberhuber, ddykstal (or david_dykstal), david-k-mcknight, kevin.j.doyle, xuan.chen886, eugenetarassov, michael_scharf, uwe.stieber, radoslav.gerganov, wrsfburton, anna_dushistova.
This meeting has been cancelled.
This meeting is free for everyone to attend. It's a service of the TM developers and committers to community, fostering exchange of upcoming news, status and asking questions. Committers are expected to attend.
Last Meetings
Update on RSE Status
TM 3.0.3 status
- Builds ongoing; final 3.0.3 is due on Wednesday Feb 18 (RC1: Feb 4, RC2: Feb 11)
- AI Martin contribute update site for Ganymede
TM 3.1 status
- Big Rocks see DSDP/TM/Committer Phone Meeting 17-Dec-2008
- 3.1M4 Assigned Open bugs - AI Everyone reassign target milestone as appropriate
- 3.1M5 Assigned Open bugs - Galileo M5 is on Friday Feb 6
- This will likely go on the Eclipsecon stick: Want a one-day test pass? - Last checkins on Friday Jan 30
- Martin to create I-build on the weekend after the 30th, announce a 1-day testpass on Tuesday by E-Mail
- Severity Major open bugs, High Priority open bugs, DSDP/TM/3.0 Known Issues and Workarounds
- Many patches on bugzilla, feel free to commit to 3.1 stream... avoid too many patches
- Community contributions: 47 Open bugs with patches right now, should apply before patches get outdated (see also the Bug Process Page for a query)
- Xuan: Creating p2 repositories as build output - Martin: should work.
- Move RemoteCDT to CDT?
- bug 261478 remove SshHostShell, SshShellService?
- Martin - bug 261486 @noextend for interfaces - compiler warnings in general
Individual Status
- Anna: RemoteCDT new API
- DaveM:
- DaveD: Webpage update: should do along with trying the new Nova topic, focus on the homepage for now
- Kevin:
- Xuan:
- Michael:
- Martin: SOC Synchronize Contribution; RXTX this week; RSE-build/releng next week, big rock bugs after: bug 227750 IRSEInteractionProvider, bug 239230 Early startup
- Rado: WinCE, bug 196176 - Deferred drag&drop SWT
Other Stuff
Community Feedback and Status
- Community contributions
- Patrick Juhl - SSH Tunnel - no news. In JSch Session.setPortForwardingL() there seems to be an incompatibility between Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4 (according to JSch mailing list). SSH Tunnel being used by Collabnet Cubit
- bug 196337 - TM Local Terminal Connector - waiting on fix for CDT Spawner
- Freescale contributions to be reviewed - bug 247876 apply host to project; bug 247878 systemHostCombo with subsystems; bug 247879 project cache for RSE host settings
- bug 236205 Generic Display subsystem (as a host for vnc etc)
Technology sub-groups
- Martin vacation 7-Feb till 14-Feb
- 19.Feb - US President's day? -- Martin out of office,
- DaveD vacation 16-Feb till 20-Feb
- Anna vacation 1 week in Feb after m5
Action Items
- Last DSDP/TM/Meetings/21-Jan-2009 Committer
- Last meeting: DSDP/TM/Phone Meeting 7-Jan-2009
- Everyone "big rock" bugs for 3.1 and increase priority / set target milestone (may decrease priority on others).
- Martin Comment on DaveM's bugs; Contribute 3.0.3 update site for Ganymede; Draft E-Mail for 1-day m5 test pass; old review bug 196176 Rado's deferred D&D; new Builder until 3.1M5; bug 227750 Display in non-UI write fix until 3.1M5; Run performance tests for bug 236065 IFileService improvements; Critical EFS bugs;
- Xuan: old Look at bug 230917 Archive Handler Unittests
- DaveD: bug 238574 Website revamp; old get rid of 3.0 assigned open bugs;
- DaveM: Think about remotecdt move; test bug 261478 SSH services change; old bug 199596 Read-Only attribute doesn't always update IRemoteFile;
Next Meeting
- Next DSDP/TM/Meetings/18-Feb-2009 Committer (2 weeks after)
- Next DSDP/TM/Meetings/4-Mar-2009 (4 weeks after)