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CDO/User Contributed Documentation
This page has been created for you, the user of CDO, so that you can support the development team and share everything that you find helpful with other users. We all thank you!
- Creating an EMF model for usage with CDO (by André Dietisheim)
- Live demo of CDO 0.7 in action (old) (by Eike Stepper)
- Please add your CDO screencasts here.
- An Introduction to CDO 4.0 (by Vincenzo Caselli, RCPVision)
- Advanced Databinding with CDO 4.0 (by Vincenzo Caselli, RCPVision)
- Getting started with CDO (by Martin Flügge)
- Setting up a workspace with all CDO sources (by Eike Stepper/Martin Flügge)
- Setting up a CDO Server (by André Dietisheim)
- Preparing EMF Models for CDO (by Eike Stepper)
- Using the CDO User Interface (by Eike Stepper)
- Use CDO Net4J Authentification (by Tom Schindl)
- CDO QuickStart (by Bernd Kolb)
- Query DB Store by using SQL (by Kai Schlamp)
- CDOQuery OCL (by Marco Descher, Thomas Huster)
- Influence DB Store mapping by using annotations (by Kai Schlamp)
- Hibernate Store manual and tutorials (by Martin Taal)
- Install CDO 3.0 Features, which are not contained at the Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) Simultaneous Release (by Heiko Ahlig)
- Authentication through Net4j or CDO (by Tom Schindl)
- Setting up CDO security manager (by Pierre Gaufillet)
- Create a executable for CDO server
- Please add your CDO tutorials here.
This is a category for common code snippets or idioms for CDO:
- Run a CDO container inside eclipse runtime (by Stefan Winkler)
- Run a CDO server (Spring Framework wired, deprecated) (by Eike Stepper)
- Run a CDO client standalone (manually wired) (by Eike Stepper)
- Run a CDO client standalone (container wired) (by Eike Stepper)
- Run a CDO client standalone (container wired, with SSL connection) (by Teerawat Chaiyakijpichet)
- Example Application using CDO and other EMF Technologies (by Tom Schindl)
- Run a CDO server and client - standalone Spring wired (by Assen Sharlandjiev)
- Run a CDO Embedded Session with dynamic CDO - standalone (container wired) (by Stephan Zehrer)
- The Gastro example applications (by Eike Stepper)
- Script to allocate lots of data when initializing DB for example (by Christophe Moine)
- Please add your CDO snippets here.
- EMF Corner review (by Seweryn Niemiec)
- Porting CDO to Android (by Andreas Rytina, Twitter: @andyrytina)
- Please add your CDO thoughts here.
- Please add your CDO benchmarks here.