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New and Noteworthy - EMF-IncQuery 1.0.0
Surrogate queries for derived features
While query-based features have supported the definition of well-behaving derived features in Ecore models, users of Ecore models that could not be modified had no way for using derived features in queries. EMF-IncQuery 1.0.0 introduces surrogate queries for derived features, where a derived feature in a query is replaced by a subpattern call during runtime. For more details, refer to the documentation.
Enhanced support for UML models
The EMF-UML metamodel contains numerous derived features, most of which can now be used in IncQuery patterns. For more details, refer to the documentation.
Updated Validation Framework
Live validation is not only about Eclipse problem markers any more! The new validation framework provides better expressibility for constraints and a full runtime API with concepts like constraints and violations. To take full advantage of incremental evaluation, users can listen for changes in the validation results. For more details, refer to the documentation.
Updated Viewers Framework
From now, the Viewers Framework uses an EMF-based notation model to maintain visualizable objects and takes the advantage of EMF-IncQuery Event-driven Virtual Machine to publish the changes to the viewers. For more details, refer to the documentation.
Whitelist for pure methods
If you have a pure method and want to call it in a check()/eval() constraint, you can either annotate it with @Pure or register it via the org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.purewhitelist extension point. For more details, refer to the documentation.