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VIATRA/Query/UserDocumentation/LocalSearch DebuggerTooling

< VIATRA‎ | Query
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The Local Search Debugger Tooling is available in the Query Visualization feature group.


  1. Open the Local Search Debugger view in Eclipse
  2. Load the model and query definitions in the Query explorer
  3. Select the the query in the Query explorer
  4. Run the local search debugger by invoking the command on the toolbar of the Local Search Debugger view. The command reads the selection from the query explorer and initiates the matching: initializes and shows the plan.
  5. Step or run the matching using the designated commands on the view's toolbar. Breakpoints can also be added when needed.
  6. The state of the shown search plan shows the state of the execution, while the already found matches and the current variable substitutions can be seen in the view's provided Zest viewer.

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