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  • Upcoming dates (some are tentative):
    • Bugfix release is coming up this friday (2018.07.13.), almost everything is ready for this.
    • There is no new feature release planned for the upcoming feature release. Tentative there will be 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 versions.
    • Starting from the fall, we will change to 3-week releases: there will be five milestones for VIATRA 2.1 (the last one will be on 2018.11.28.).
  • Build issues are present with the Xtend Maven compiler. Solution: manual workaround for dependency issues. Hopefully, for the next Xtend Maven compiler there will be a solution for this problem.
  • The development of a graphical query editor has started. There is an end-to-end demonstrator ready: it can compile a textual query from a graphical definition. Zoli will send more details about this in the upcoming few days.

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