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Trace Compass/Project Meetings/2016-05-27


  • Alexandre Montplaisir (EfficiOS)
  • Jonathan Rajotte (EfficiOS)
  • Bernd Hufmann (Ericsson)
  • Patrick Tassé (Ericsson)
  • Matthew Khouzam (Ericsson)
  • Jean-Christian Kouamé (Ericsson)
  • Geneviève Bastien (Polytechnique)


Status of pending patches for Neon

The final freeze date for the Neon release is: June 8th

RC4 build will be taken on that date, and unless there are major blocker bugs, that build should end up being part of the final Neon contribution.


Debug-info analysis

  • Documentation patch is done is ready for review/merging.
  • Another patch fixes a bug that was found while writing the doc. Robert K. gave some comments, Alex will update the patch.

LAMI analyses integration

  • Bug 493941 was opened to track all the bugfixes that were wanted.
  • The patch from Jonathan about handling long/doubles correctly is currently being reviewed by Patrick, and advancing.
  • A few other patches are being worked on and coming, aimed for next week:
    • Add units for timestamp axes
    • Add a open handler (Enter, double-click) to run analyses and open reports
    • Documentation patch


  • Some bugs were found while doing manual testing. Patches were submitted to fix them.
  • All pretty much under control.


  • 6 patches to fix Critical Path bugs. They are being reviewed.
  • Bug fixes for XML stuff.
  • Documentation of I/O analysis.

Branching strategy for Oxygen cycle

Since everyone is working mostly towards the stable branch, we've decided to postpone this discussion to the June 24th meeting, which will be shorty after the Neon release.

In the meantime, there should be no API breaks in master.

Manual testing

Bernd brought up the point of manual testing for the LAMI analyses features. Alex replied that this was not considered by EfficiOS as part of their feature scope, and that they do not have the bandwidth to do full manual testing at this time. Ensued a discussion about the difference of opinion on the usefulness of manual testing between the organizations...

Geneviève pointed out that at least writing the "use cases" is useful, as it can then be used as a base to write automatic tests. It can be seen as a way of "speccing" the feature. Alex and Jonathan agreed, and will provide a list of use cases + expected results over the next week.

Design proposal for time graph view refactoring

Alex explained an upcoming work item about refactoring of time graph views. A design proposal was written and sent to their customer sponsoring this work, which was reviewed by them. Alex will update the proposal and submit it to the Trace Compass community next for another round of review/feedback.

A portion of the next meeting (on June 10th) is planned to officially introduce this proposal.

Action items

  • Alex and Jonathan are to provide a list of use cases + expected results for the LAMI integration and debug-info analyses.
  • Alex will update the CFV refactoring design proposal and forward it to the other committers.

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