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Trace Compass/News/NewIn50
Time graph improvements
Zoom to selection
It is now possible to zoom the window range to the current selection range in time graph views.
First make sure that a time range is selected, for example by dragging the left mouse button or by Shift+clicking to select the end of the selection range. Then press Z (default) to set the window range to this selection. This key shortcut and other navigation key shortcuts can be configured in the Keys preference page.
Line entries
It is now possible to create time graph line entries that are drawn as one or more series of lines where the y-coordinate is defined by the model.
XY Chart improvements
Use WASD Navigation in conjunction with the mouse, where one hand changes the mouse position and the other hand uses the keyboard shortcuts to zoom or scroll.
- W: Zoom-in horizontally centered to the mouse position
- S: Zoom-out horizontally centered to the mouse position
- A: Scroll left by a quarter of the current window range
- D: Scroll right by a quarter of the current window range
Other shortcuts:
- +: Zoom-in centered to the selected time range (or window range if time selection is not visible)
- -: Zoom-out centered to the selected time range (or window range if time selection is not visible)
- Z: Zoom to current selected time range (if range is greater than 0)
Added toolbar buttons
![]() |
Zooms in on the selection by 50% |
![]() |
Zooms out on the selection by 50% |
Configurable time format for time axis
The time format of the time axis of all standard time-based views (time graphs, XY charts, histograms) is now consistent in accordance with the Date and Time format preference in the Time Format preference page.
If the preference is set to 'TTT (secs in epoch)', then the relative time format is used. In all other cases, the calendar time format is used, where the displayed format is determined by the current window range, not by the specific 'Date and Time format' preference.
Calendar time format:
Relative time format:
It is still possible for some views to set a fixed time axis time format that will not be influenced by the user preference.
Tooltip improvements
Selectable and resizable tooltip
It is now possible to select and resize the tooltip shell in all time-based views. The tooltip will no longer disappear as soon as the mouse is moved, it will only disappear when the mouse cursor is moved away from the tooltip shell.
Browser tooltip
It is now possible to configure the use of a browser for tooltips.
The browser tooltip enables tooltip text selection, grouping by categories, and hyperlinks to perform time selection.
To enable or disable browser tooltips, change the 'Use browser based tooltips' preference in the Tracing preference page.
Tooltip information for markers
The tooltip will now show information when the mouse cursor is hovered over a symbol marker in a time graph.
System Calls categorized by component
The System Call Latency vs Time view now groups system calls by their component. The component of each system call is now shown in the tables of the System Call Density and System Call Latencies views.
Bugs fixed in the 5.0.0 release
See Bugzilla report Bugs Fixed in Trace Compass 5.0.0