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Template vocabulary


Vocabulary to describe a Template Context. Contains information necessary to dynamically instantiate regular contexts. Part of the Persona Data Model 2.0.


UML Overview



TemplateContexts are used to instantiate both regular contexts and connector contexts mentioned here: Persona Data Model 2.0. The AppTemplate subclass of TemplateContext (itself a subclass of ctxt:Context) is used to describe the former, and the ConnectionTemplate subclass of TemplateContext, the latter. TemplateContexts have an optional policy attribute whose value is an an instance of DataPolicy.


An AppTemplate is a template for an app. An app is a PDS add-on. Apps run within a PDS-provided runtime environment. Apps have read (and potentially write) access to a specific set of attributes within the PDS. An AppTemplate is a TemplateContext subclass with a ContextPrototype instance that describes a context to be used to support an app.

  • subClassOf TemplateContext
  • 1..1 app App


Abstract class. A prototype of a context instance that holds app-specific data (e.g. Person entity) if any. Subclasses reference active content (aka code).

  • subclass of ContextPrototype
  • 1..1 description--human friendly text that describes this app/view/context
  • 0..1 viewRoot (inherited) - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit the attributes of this context.
  • 0..1 settingsViewRoot (inherited) - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit administrative settings related to the JavaScript app (if present)

The instantiated context of an AppTemplate TemplateContext is a place where the JavaScript of the app can persist new attributes if needed. Apps use an API that may update the values of attributes in other contexts.


A TemplateContext containing two ContextPrototypes instances that describe connector context(s) in a relationship. In some cases only a single Participant context is instantiated, in others a Participant/Definer pair is instantiated.

The Definer ContextPrototype instance has the following attributes:

  • 0..1 viewRoot - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit the attributes of this context.
  • 0..1 settingsViewRoot - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit administrative settings related to the JavaScript app (if present)

The Participant ContextPrototype instance has the following attributes:

  • 0..1 templateRole - value is a default Role to assign to the new p:Person instance in the newly instantiated context

in the relationship for which the participant is authoritative and may optionally decide to provide

  • 0..1 viewRoot - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit the attributes of this context.
  • 0..1 settingsViewRoot - value is a structure created using the View-builder vocabulary that describes how to dynamically construct a UI to view and/or edit administrative settings related to the JavaScript app (if present)


Below is an example of a ConnectionTemplate. See ( for details):

Here is the ConnectionTemplate (Note: the image value is truncated):

     a       template:ConnectionTemplate , owl:Ontology ;
             :WebsiteFacade_1 ;
     template:proxyClass proxy:WebLogin ;
     proxy:connectionType proxy:News ;
     proxy:domain ""^^xsd:string ;
             ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
     proxy:image "329849238457234523453454"^^xsd:base64Binary ;
     proxy:imageType "JPG"^^xsd:string ;
     owl:imports <> , 
     <> ,
     <> ;
     skos:prefLabel "NYTimes ConnectionTemplate"^^xsd:string .

Here is the definer WebsiteFacade:Participant (Note: the actual code of the JavaScript has been omitted). See App-data vocabulary for a complete example of a WebsiteFacade object:

     rdf:type app-data:WebsiteFacade ;
     app-data:script :Login_1 ;
             <> .

Here is its Login CDEScript:

     a       app-data:Login ;
     app-data:data "<JSON script goes here>"^^xsd:string ;
     app-data:version "1.0"^^xsd:string ;
     skos:prefLabel "Script to auto-login to the New York Times website."^^xsd:string .



Abstract class. A prototype of a context instance that holds app-specific data (e.g. Person entity) if any. Subclasses reference active content (aka code).

  • subClassOf ContextPrototype
  • 1..1 appURI
  • 1..1 description


An AppTemplate is a template for an app. An app is a PDS add-on. Apps run within a PDS-provided runtime environment. Apps have read (and potentially write) access to a specific set of attributes within the PDS. An AppTemplate is a TemplateContext subclass with a ContextPrototype instance that describes a context to be used to support an app.

  • 1..1 app


A TemplateContext containing two ContextPrototypes instances that describe the participant context or the participant and definer connector contexts in a relationship. The proxy:externalResource is the URI of the external site (e.g. The proxy:connectionType (and the proxy:externalResource) are used to instantiate proxy:Proxy instances.

  • subClassOf: TemplateContext
  • 0..1 definer
  • 1..1 participant
  • 1..1 proxy:connectionType - e.g. "business"
  • 1..1 proxy:externalResource - e.g.
  • 1..1 proxy:domain - e.g.


Abstract class. A prototype of an Context instance including, potentially, active code to be executed. The attributes of the prototype are copied into a Context instance.

  • 0..1 viewRoot
  • 0..1 contextSettingsClass


A prototype of a context that is one side of a connector context pair. The Definer side is a context managed by the same party that created the TemplateContext--the party that defines the overall parameters of the connector relationship. In a person-to-business connector. Definer would typically be the business as it is the business that defines the relationship including the set of attributes that will go back and forth.

  • subClassOf: Connector


An App that consists of an app-data:Overlay that is loaded by the HBX and executed in the foreground--i.e. as an overlay to the current page.

  • subClassOf App
  • 1..1 overlay


A prototype of a context that is one side of a connector context pair. The Participant side is a context managed by the other party--not the party that created the TemplateContext that defines the overall parameters of the connector relationship. In a person-to-business connector. Participant would be the person (the PDS owner/user)

  • subClassOf: Connector
  • 0..1 overlayCode


A kind of App that loads HTML/JS from appURI and displays it within the portal. The appURI may be within the PDS operator's domain or external to it.

  • subClassOf App
  • 1..1 appURI


A TemplateContext is an abstract class for a context whose attributes act analogous to a "class" for regular context "instances".

  • subclassOf ctxt:Context (see Context vocabulary)
  • 0..1 proxy:image
  • 0..1 proxy:imageType
  • 0..1 proxy:imageURL
  • 0..1 proxy:description
  • 1..1 proxy:displayName
  • 1..1 proxyClass



AppContext ContextPrototype

  • domain: AppTemplate
  • value: App


App UI page

  • domain: App
  • value: xsd:anyURI


Type (as in rdf:type) of ctxt:Context to instantiate (e.g. ctxt:ConnectionContext, ctxt:InboxContext, etc.). If not present then ctxt:Context is used.

  • domain: ContextPrototype
  • value: owl:Class


The subclass of ctxt:Settings to instantiate when creating a new context instance from this context prototype. If not present then ctxt:Settings is used.

  • domain: ContextPrototype
  • value: owl:Class


Definer context within a pair of Participant/Definer connector contexts.

  • domain: ConnectionTemplate
  • value: Definer


JavaScript code that provides web augmentation/overlay to the user's current webpage in the browser.

  • domain: Participant or HBXApp
  • value: app-data:Overlay


Participant context within a pair of Participant/Definer connector contexts.

  • domain: ConnectionTemplate
  • value: Participant


Subclass of proxy:Proxy to instantiate in the root context.

  • domain: TemplateContext
  • value: owl:Class


Default role played by new Person entity instances in contexts instantiated from this Participant prototype

  • domain: Participant
  • value: persona:Role


Root of a tree of ViewNodes that describe the UI for the settings control panel for this context.

  • domain: ContextPrototype
  • value: view-builder:ViewNode


Default role played by new Person entity instances in contexts instantiated from this Participant prototype

  • domain: Participant
  • value: persona:Role


Root of a tree of ViewNodes that describe the UI for this context.

  • domain: ContextPrototype
  • value: view-builder:ViewNode


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