We are 2.5 weeks complete on the 5 weeks of I2 development (ends: 04/017).
To better manage the workload from new defects, Project Leads must receive PMC approval (e.g. verbally on the weekly PMC call) to mark new defects as P1.
Chris is working on the paperwork required to ship the Itanium systems to IBM Toronto (target: ~1 month).
The PoG will be promoted on the TPTP web site.
AI: Eugene will add a link to the PoG WIKI to the user documentation and news sections of the TPTP web site.
270776 for the skeleton documentation in TPTP 4.6.
The documentation translation schedule is May 6, early June, and late June.
Eugene will open a P1 defect on scalability and performance.
As of the TPTP F-2-F meeting, there were 46 P1 defects:
Test Project: 28 P1 defects
Platform/Trace Projects: 18 P1 defects
Paul has triaged/prioritized (based on consumer requirements, UI/PII freeze dates, and resource availability) the Test Project P1 defects.
Paul is concerned that Jerome's P1 defects may not be contained in the remaining development weeks (development end on May 15) since he is not starting to work on TPTP 4.6 defects until April 13.
Paul is discussing with Jerome's manager the possibility of Jerome working 100% on TPTP 4.6 until May 15.
Paul is concerned that his 20 defects may not be contained in the remaining development weeks (development end on May 15) since he spend <50% on TPTP 4.6 defects over the last month.
Paul will work >50% on TPTP 4.6 until May 15 to compensate.
The Platform/Trace Projects are on target for completing their P1 defects.