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Stardust/Knowledge Base/Integration/Camel
< Stardust | Knowledge Base | Integration
Process Trigger
- Email Trigger with Process Attachments
- Scheduling Process Starts using the Quartz Scheduler in a Camel Trigger
- DB Monitor using JPA and Camel
File Processing
Message Processing
- Message Enricher (TBD)
JMS Integration
Service Integration
- Calling RESTful Service Through Camel Route
- Camel Route to Send and Receive Email
- Camel routes to File based inter-system integration
- Camel Based Monitoring and Auditing Transient Processes Using SEDA
- CSV parsing and inserting the records in database using Stardust camel features
- Adding camel consumer routes dynamically to camel context
- Camel Route: Dynamic Endpoint using PropertyPlaceholder