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STP Service Creation User Guide



Installing from update site

This kind of installation downloads STP plugins, and plugins required from other Eclipse projects automatically.

Downloading from STP website

The latest STP 0.7.0 build can be downloaded from here

Plugins required from other Eclipse projects

*javax.wsdl 1.5.1

Installing to eclipse

Extract all required plugins to the STP Installation directory

Downloading runtime

Select one of the following as Pre-requisite SOA runtime:

Setup Tomcat shared lib

In order to deploy JAX-WS service to Tomcat container, please copy all jars under ${apache_cxf_install}/libs and ${apache_cxf_install}/modules into ${tomcat_install}/shared/lib

Creating service component

Creating JAX-WS component



The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) specification defines a set of APIs and annotations for developing Web services. It makes extensive use of the annotations introduced in Java 5.0. These annotations make it easier to map a Java object to a service and map a WSDL contract to a Java object.

Related information

JAX-WS Project home page


Annotations are a way of adding metadata to Java source code that is available to the programmer at runtime.

They play a critical role in JAX-WS, where they are used to map Java to WSDL and XML Schema, and to control how the JAX-WS runtime processes and responds to web service invocations.

When you create a JAX-WS Java First project, you need to add JAX-WS annotations to your starting point code, in order to have Eclipse automatically generate the required WSDL and stub code for your web service.

You can add annotations to types, methods, and parameters. Each method that is public within the Java class must include a @WebRequest annotation, while each types requires a @WebService annotation.

You can add annotations to your Java code using the JAX-WS menu and further refine your annotations in the Annotation Properties view.

When you create a WSDL First project, annotated code is generated for you automatically.

Related information

JAX-WS Annotations specification

Annotation Properties view

The Annotation Properties view allows you to edit the JAX-WS annotations in your Java code.

To open the Annotation Properties view, select Window > Show View > Other ... > SOA Tools > Annotation Properties.

As you move through the types, methods, and parameters in your Java code in either the Editor view or the Package Explorer, the Annotation Properties view changes to display the annotations that are possible for a particular element.

To add an annotation, select true in the Value column.

Click the + icon next to the annotation to display the attributes associated with it.

Anno view.gif

Supported annotations

The following annotations are supported in the Eclipse STP Annotation Properties editor:

JSR 181









JAX-WS 2.0

SCA 0.95

Apache Tuscany 1.0






Handlers are interceptors that can be easily plugged into the Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 runtime environment to do additional processing of inbound and outbound messages. JAX-WS defines two types of handlers: protocol handlers and logical handlers. Protocol handlers are specific to a protocol such as SOAP. They can access or change any part of the message, including protocol-specific parts such as the message header. Logical handlers are protocol-agnostic. They cannot change any protocol-specific parts of a message. Logical handlers act only on the payload of the message.

So far, STP support logical handler and one kind of protocol handler(SOAP Handler).



Creating and deploying a JAX-WS service using Eclipse STP involves the following steps:

1.Choose a JAX-WS runtime.

2.Do one of the following:

3.Update the generated stub code as required and rebuild your project.

4.Generate a deployment archive.

5.Deploy the service.

Choosing a JAX-WS runtime

Before you can create a JAX-WS Web service in STP, you need to point Eclipse at a JAX-WS runtime installed on your machine.

STP supports the following JAX-WS runtimes:

  • Apache Incubator CXF, which also ships as the IONA FUSE Services Framework product
  • JAX-WS Reference Implementation (JAX-WS RI)

To choose a runtime:

1.Select Window > Preferences from the menu bar.

2.Select SOA Tools > Installed Runtimes.

3.In the Installed Server Runtime Environments preferences panel, click Add.

4.In the New Server runtime wizard, do one of the following:

  • Expand the Apache folder and select Apache CXF 2.0
  • Expand the Sun folder and select Sun JAX-WS RI 2.1.2

5.Click Next...

6.In the New ... Runtime panel, click Browse to select the directory where your JAX-WS runtime is installed.

7.Choose an alternative JRE, if required.

8.Click Finish.

Setting annotation preferences

When creating a JAX-WS web service in Eclipse, you need to add annotations to your Java code. These annotations are used to automatically generate the necessary WSDL and stub code for your service.

You can choose to:

  • Have Eclipse generate annotations with default values without running the Annotations wizard
  • Run the Annotations wizard and choose from the full range of JAX-WS annotations

To configure how annotations are generated:

1.Select Window > Preferences from the menu bar.

2.Select SOA Tools > JAX-WS.

3.In the Annotation Wizards section of the JAX-WS panel, choose to either overwrite or use default annotation values.

Setting the SOAP version

When generating WSDL in a JAX-WS project, you can use either SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2.

To choose the version of SOAP that you want:

1.Select Window > Preferences from the menu bar.

2.In the Preferences window, select SOA Tools > JAX-WS.

3.Select either Apache CXF or JAX-WS RI, depending on which runtime you are using.

4.In the WSDL Generation Options section, select either SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2.

Enabling JAX-WS in an existing project

Enabling JAX-WS adds the required builders, natures and classpath entries to a project.

To enable JAX-WS in an existing Java or Web project:

1.Select the project in the Package Explorer.

2.Choose JAX-WS > Enable JAX-WS from the menu bar.

Once you have a JAX-WS project you need to add annotations to your classes and methods.

Creating a JAX-WS Java First project

To create a JAX-WS Java First project:

1.Select File > New > Project .

2.In the New Project wizard, select SOA Tools > JAX-WS Java First Project.

3.Enter the project name in the General Details panel and click Next.

4.Select the runtime that you want to use and click Finish.

5.If prompted, click Yes to switch to the JAX-WS perspective.

An empty Eclipse project containing the JAX-WS project nature is added to your workspace. From here you can create a Java interface class and add JAX-WS annotations to it.

Related tasks

Annotating a class

Annotating a method

Creating a JAX-WS WSDL First project

To create a JAX-WS WSDL First project:

1.Select File > New > Project.

2.In the New Project wizard, select SOA Tools > JAX-WS WSDL First Project.

3.Enter the project name in the General Details panel and click Next.

4.Select the runtime that you want to use and click Next.

5.In the WSDL Location section, either click Browse to select a WSDL file from your file system. Alternatively, select URL, enter a URL to an external WSDL file, and click Connect to import the WSDL into the wizard.

6.Do one of the following:

  • Clear the Generate Code Automatically check box and click Finish. Proceed to the final step.
  • Select the Generate Code Automatically check box and click Next.

7.Select the type of artifact you want to generate - service implementation, server mainline, or client - and click Next.

8.If prompted, click Yes to switch to the JAX-WS perspective.

Annotating a class

To add a @WebService annotation to a class:

1.In the Package Explorer, expand the package and then the Java file where the class is located.

2.Select the class.

3.Select JAX-WS > Create Web Service from the menu bar.

  • If you selected the Generate default annotations ... option in JAX-WS Preferences, the @Webservice annotation will be added to the code with default values
  • If you selected Use wizards to overwrite defaults in JAX-WS Preferences, the Create Web Service wizard displays. Complete the fields in the wizard and click Finish.

Once you save the annotated Java class, a WSDL file is automatically generated and added to a wsdl directory in your project. Your project will also be JAX-WS enabled.

Annotating a method

To add annotations to a method:

1.In the Package Explorer, expand the package, Java file, and class where the method is located.

2.Select the method.

3.Select JAX-WS > Create Web Method from the menu bar.

  • If you selected the Generate default annotations ... option in JAX-WS Preferences, the @Webmethod, @ResponseWrapper, and @RequestWrapper annotations are added to the code with default values
  • If you selected Use wizards to overwrite defaults in JAX-WS Preferences, the Create Web Method wizard displays. The wizard enables you to edit the default values for the the @Webmethod, @ResponseWrapper, and @RequestWrapper annotations, and to add a @WebResult annotation if you wish. Step through in the wizard and click Finish.
Generating stub code

You can use Eclipse STP to generate stub code for your Web service.

Note: You can only use one generation type per project.

To generate code:

1.Right-click the root of your project.

2.Select JAX-WS Tools > Generate Code from the context menu.

3.In the CXF Java2ws Generator Parameter Page,

  • Select WSDL version, SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2,
  • Select any combination of WSDL, Server or Client.

4.Click Finish.

Adding JAX-WS handler

To add a JAX-WS handler to web service:

1.In the Package Explorer, expand the package and then the Java file where the class is located.

2.Select the class.

3.Select JAX-WS > Create JAX-WS Handler from the menu bar.

4.Specify name.

5.Select Handler Type, Logical Handler or SOAP Handler

6.Specify the path for handler chain in two ways:

  • by clicking Create button
  • by adding this handler to an existing handler chain file.

7.Click Finish.

Using the annotation property view
Annotation validation
Editing the wsdl document

Double click a wsdl file from the navigator tree, you will open wsdl editor. Switch to Design Tab, you can right click to add operation or message part or Fault to wsdl file, or edit name/message part by double-clicking. In outline view, you can navigate the wsdl document tree and add/delete elements.

Creating RESTful service (TBD)

Creating JBI component (TBD)

Creating SCA component (TBD)

Creating simple frontend for Apache CXF

Packaging and deploying service component

Generating a deployment package

To create a deployment package for a Web service:

1.Right-click the WSDL file.

2.Select Build Package from the context menu.

A .war file is generated under the following path in your project folder:

Deployment/wsdl/WsdlFilename/Tomcat container deployer

Deploying component

Deploying a JAX-WS service

Once you have created a deployment package, you can deploy it to an application server or container. Eclipse STP currently supports deployment to Apache Tomcat.

To deploy a service to Tomcat:

1.Under your project folder, go to the folder Deployment/wsdl/WsdlFilename/Tomcat container deployer

2.Right-click the .war file and select Deploy.

3.In the Select Target Server dialog, expand the Tomcat folder and select your Tomcat server.

Undeploying component

Undeploying a JAX-WS service

To undeploy a service to Tomcat:

1.Under your project folder, go to the folder Deployment/wsdl/WsdlFilename/Tomcat container deployer

2.Right-click the .war file and select Undeploy.

3.In the Select Target Server dialog, expand the Tomcat folder and select your Tomcat server.

Testing and debugging your component

Creating a test client

Using REST test client (TBD)

Debugging your application


Choosing a JAX-WS runtime

Refer to here, and choose Apache CXF 2.0 as runtime

The configure for Apache CXF 2.0 is as following figure.

Figure - Config Apache CXF 2.0 runtime

Create cxf runtime.PNG

Beginning from creating an empty java project

Create an empty java project, named QuickStartProject

Developing a java interface

Create a java interface, with package com.iona as following:

Listing - Creating simple java interface

  package com.iona;
  public interface Hello {
      public String sayHi();

Enabling JAX-WS

To enable JAX-WS:

1.Select the root of QuickStartProject in the Package Explorer.

2.Right click, and choose JAX-WS Tools > Enable JAX-WS.

3.Choose Java First Programming Mode, click OK.

4.Choose Apache CXF 2.0 runtime, click Next.

5.Click Browse to choose src\com.iona\ as Java Source File

6.Click Finish

Then the following stuffs will be added automatically.

1. Add Apache CXF 2.0 Library to project classpath

2. Add several natures into .project:

Listing - Auto-added stp natures

3. Insert @WebService annotation into java interface

Listing - Annotating the Java interface as a Web service

  package com.iona;
  import javax.jws.WebService;
  @WebService(name="Hello", targetNamespace="")
  public interface Hello {
      public String sayHi();

Annotating web method

To annotate web method:

1.Right click, and choose JAX-WS Tools > Create Web Method

2.Choose Available Methods sayHi()

3.Click Finish

Listing - Annotations created using create Web method

  package com.iona;
  import javax.jws.WebService;
  import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  @WebService(name="Hello", targetNamespace="")
  public interface Hello {
      @WebMethod(operationName="sayHi", exclude=false)
      @ResponseWrapper(className="com.iona.SayHiResponse",   localName="sayHiResponse", targetNamespace="")
      @RequestWrapper(className="com.iona.SayHi", localName="sayHi", targetNamespace="")
      public String sayHi();

Generating WSDL

To generate your stub code:

1.Right-click on the root of QuickStartProject.

2.Select JAX-WS Tools > Generate WSDL from the context menu.

Double click wsdl\QuickStartProject.wsdl in Package Explorer view, you will see the following auto-generated WSDL:

Listing - Auto-generated WSDL

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <wsdl:definitions name="HelloService" targetNamespace="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:wsdl="">
  <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:tns="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="">
    <xsd:element name="sayHi" type="tns:sayHi"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="sayHi">
    <xsd:element name="sayHiResponse" type="tns:sayHiResponse"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="sayHiResponse">
      <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="return" type="xsd:string"/>
 <wsdl:message name="sayHi">
   <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sayHi">
 <wsdl:message name="sayHiResponse">
   <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sayHiResponse">
 <wsdl:portType name="Hello">
   <wsdl:operation name="sayHi">
     <wsdl:input name="sayHi" message="tns:sayHi">
     <wsdl:output name="sayHiResponse" message="tns:sayHiResponse">
 <wsdl:binding name="HelloServiceSoapBinding" type="tns:Hello">
   <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
   <wsdl:operation name="sayHi">
     <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
     <wsdl:input name="sayHi">
       <soap:body use="literal"/>
     <wsdl:output name="sayHiResponse">
       <soap:body use="literal"/>
 <wsdl:service name="HelloService">
   <wsdl:port name="HelloPort" binding="tns:HelloServiceSoapBinding">
     <soap:address location="http://localhost:9090/hello"/>

Generating stub code

To generate your stub code:

1.Right-click on the root of QuickStartProject.

2.Select JAX-WS Tools > Generate Code from the context menu.

3.In the CXF Java2ws Generator Parameter Page, select a combination of Generate WSDL, Generate Server or Generate Client, and soap 1.1.

4.Click Finish

Figure - choose parameters for code generating

Choose param for code gen.JPG

You should now see several new files created in the Navigator view, as shown in Figure Results of generating code

Figure - Results of generating code

File:Code gen result.JPG

Adding implementation code to your web service


Listing - Modified implementation

   try {
       java.lang.String _return = "STP";
       return _return;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new RuntimeException(ex);


Listing - Modified client

   QName serviceName = new QName("", "HelloService");
   QName portName = new QName("", "HelloPort");
   Service service = Service.create(serviceName);
   service.addPort(portName, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING,
   com.iona.Hello client = service.getPort(portName,  com.iona.Hello.class);
   System.out.println("Invoking sayHi...");
   String ret = client.sayHi();
   System.out.println("Result: " + ret);

Running the stand-alone web server and test

Running the stand-alone web server

The development framework comes with a stand-alone Web server, which allows you to perform testing of your Web service within the Eclipse framework.

Note that the STP plug-in has created a couple preconfigured run configurations. To run the server:

1. Click Run > Open Run Dialog

2. Select Java Application > QuickStartProject_server_QuickStartProject

3. Click Run

Figure - Running the server

Running the server.PNG

The server should then run and let you know it's ready.

Figure - Server ready

Server ready.PNG

Running the stand-alone client

To run the client:

1. Click Run > Open Run Dialog

2. Select Java Application > QuickStartProject_client_QuickStartProject

3. Click Run

Figure - Results of executing the client

Client result.PNG

Test web service using REST

Now point your browser to http://localhost:9090/hello?wsdl and you should see the WSDL.

Point to http://localhost:9090/hello/sayHi, you should see SOAP message response as below. And STP is the invoking result.

Listing - SOAP message response

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <ns1:sayHiResponse xmlns:ns1="">

Deploying and testing on Apache Tomcat

Configing Tomcat server

1.Select Window > Show View > Other.

2.Navigate to Server > Servers.

3.In Servers view, right click, then select New > Server.

4.Select Apache > Tomcat v5.5 Server, then click Next.

5.Specify Tomcat installation directory by clicking Browse, then click Next.

6.Click Finish

Modifying server property

1.Double click Tomcat v5.5 server at localhost in Servers view

2.In Server Locations Section, choose option "Use Tomcat installation"

3.Save Tomcat Server property editor

Figure - Use Tomcat installation option

File:Use tomcat installation.PNG

Deploying service component

1.Right-click the wsdl file and select Deploy.

2.In the Select Target Server dialog, expand the Tomcat folder and select your Tomcat server.

Deploy result.PNG

Running Tomcat

To run Tomcat:

1.In Server view, right click Tomcat v5.5 Server at localhost

2.Select Start

Running test

Running test as standalone server.


Eclipse Help

Select Help > Help Contents, on the left panel, select SOA Tools Platform Developer Guide tree node.

Cheat Sheets

Select Help > Cheat Sheets...


FAQ is here

Reporting bug/Getting help

Where to report STP bug

open new bugs.

Where to get help


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stp-user maillist for stp users.

stp-dev maillist for stp developers.

For detail information on how to subscribe, please refer to stp-user, stp-dev


STP newsgroup is used by end users to ask questions.


For detail information on how to register, please refer to here

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