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The Riena platform is the foundation for building multi-tier enterprise client/server applications.

As such Riena is broadening the usage of the service oriented architecture of OSGi/Equinox by providing access to local and remote services in a transparent way. Using this uniform programming model, the components of Riena and the business components of the enterprise application can be developed regardless of their target location. Components are later easily placed on client or server depending on the business requirements.

As an example the Riena user interface components will support a business process oriented user interface visualization and navigation metaphor which can be used as alternative to the default workbench layout.

Resource for Developers working with Riena

Getting Started (Riena 6.0 Release "Luna" June 2014)

Setting up the IDE
Installing the Target Platform based on Eclipse 4.x (standard)
Installing the Target Platform based on Eclipse 3.x
Installing the Target Platform based on RAP (web)
Running the Examples, Snippets, Unittests, Wizard
Installing and Using the Riena Toolbox
Bootstrapping your own application with Riena

Getting Started (Riena 6.1 Developer Builds "Mars" Milestone Builds until Release June 2015)

Setting up the IDE
Installing the Target Platform based on Eclipse 4.x (standard)
Installing the Target Platform based on Eclipse 3.x
Installing the Target Platform based on RAP (web)
Running the Examples, Snippets, Unittests, Wizard
Installing and Using the Riena Toolbox
Bootstrapping your own application with Riena

-Other Platforms

JavaFX (experimental & unfinished)


Riena 6.0 Luna Release
Riena 6.1 (Milestones) Mars Release
Riena Example Client

UI Concepts

Custom Ridgets
Look and Feel
Login support
Detached Views
Key Bindings
Controller Tests
Preparation of Submodules
Riena Custom Widgets
Embedding Webapplications (NEW)
Scaling SWT (Icons, Layout) and usage of SVG for Icons (NEW)

Other Concepts

Injection services and extensions
Remote Services
Remote Services ???
Client Monitoring

Examples / Testing

Example Application and Code templates
Demo Application
Test Collector
Test with simulated UI inputs

Resources for Committers and Contributors

Git Repositories
Setting up your development workspace
Build Riena yourself

          • DEPRECATED ******

The Riena platform is a framework for building multi-tier enterprise client/server applications.

Riena broadens the usage of OSGi/Equinox's service-oriented architecture by providing access to local and remote services in a transparent way. Using this uniform programming model, the Riena components and the business components of the enterprise application can be developed regardless of their target location. Components are later easily placed on client or server depending on the business requirements.

Moreover, the Riena user interface components support a business-process oriented user interface and navigation metaphor which can be used as alternative to the default workbench layout.

Getting Started with Riena 5.0 Look here Getting Started

Looking for that latest version of Riena ? --> Downloads

Riena is moving to GIT

Here is a description on how setup your workspace with Git

Riena on Git

Riena on E4

Riena is currently based on 3.7/3.8. The workbench model in 4.x.(E4) has changed which create a number of problems. They are described in this wiki page

Riena on E4

Riena on RAP

Informations and Getting Started with Riena on RAP (RoR)

Riena on RAP

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