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Discuss Panel Note
- OSGi Frameworks or not. We talked about other runtime environments. All in agreement that the charter needs to change to support runtime environments
- Ian will take the first stab at updating charter.
- Solid example needed
- Hard to find an owner with strong business need
- Pointed that pet shop runs on Virgo
- There is toast but its gone stale and maybe too complicated or involved. Not necessarily exemplary.
- We need something like JDT. Can RAP be used to provide the example?
- Projects on the train vs. not on the train
- EclipseLink on the train: why?
- because they have integrated tools
- Keep rhythm for for releasing stuff
- RAP is similar - Tools for RAP
- Virgo
- no tooling integration
- no strong value add
- Did not discuss the need for a common RT repo
- Would have been nice too!
- Packaging Project
- Not enough interest from contributors to drive the work?
- Three stacks were discussed. We should highlight these as the starting point for folks coming to RT. Which stack should they use and why.
- Vert.x - ??
- Virgo - Point to an easy starting guide for Nano
- Jetty - Point to instructions for running stand alone or in OSGi
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