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RT/meetings/PMC Minutes 120222
- Tom W.
- Markus K.
- Christian C.
- Jesse
- Thomas M
- Jetty for next Juno Milestone
- Target platforms and runtimes
Jetty for next Juno Milestone
- which release, 8.1.0 or 8.1.1 for next milestone
- 8.1.0 RC4 was in M5
- Will want to consume 8.1.1
- 8.1.2 likely for final release from jetty
- Plan to release this for final Juno M7
Target Platforms
- Runtime targets and provisioning to the IDE bug 276000
- Markus and Tom describe the current issue
- Markus to start a discussion topic on rt-pmc and p2-dev mailing lists for solutions