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- Tom W.
- Glyn
- Christian
- Mike
- Thomas M.
- Riena and Juno
- Virgo and Juno
Riena and Juno
- e-mail thread with e4 team and Riena team
- Riena cannot create a production ready version based on 4.2 for Juno
- Very dependent on 3.x workbench.
- Very difficult to support both 4.x and 3.x at the same time
- Riena can still participate in in Juno but may not be able to contribute directly to the Juno common repository.
- Planning for how to get Riena to work on 4.x in Kepler.
Virgo and Juno
- Virgo Nano is what is going into Juno
- SAP is driving the effort
- Tom has concerns about IP team handling the large number of CQs in time.
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