How you use p2, maven, how you build your product (jesse)
Should the PMC try to be used as a way to solicit feedback.
It would be good to get the abstracts from RT project members sent to the RT-PMC to ask for feedback and to allow better coordination of the RT talks from eclipse RT projects.
RT BOF - probably should have one.
RT Panel (on the point of the RT)
We need to prepare the topic.
Jesse to send a mail on abstract for panel.
Eclipse Con Europe
Christian, Glyn, Doug are planning
Ralf on RAP OSGi integration and a couple of others.
Discussed need for an RT BOF. Seems like a good idea.
Release Train Requirements
The orbit requirement is a big work item for Virgo.
Orbit is "stupid" because it is not provide stable URLs except for stable builds.
Jesse reiterates his maven story.
Tom does not think p2 is the issue with the orbit repository, but instead it is the policy used to manage the orbit repos.
Smila is releasing at the beginning of October. Look for release review soon.