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- Tom
- Glyn
- Jesse
- Christain C.
- Mike K.
- Peter K.
Planning Council
- Make sure you categories in Indigo make sense.
- Need to better communicate with project leads
- Council rep is currently Tom Watson.
- Many did not seem to know this
- The Council rep needs help from project leads to bring issues forward
- Should spend time each milestone going over todos to participate and make sure RT projects are doing well.
- Suggest we pass the rep position around, perhaps each release or every other release.
- Should serve the overall RT project better if the representation is dispersed.
- It has been suggested that Tom should pass the torch after the Indigo release. Jesse has tentatively agreed to step up.
- Should we have a F2F PMC meeting?
- We have done this in past EclipseCon's and it has been useful. Many PMC reps are not attending this year though.
- BOF?
- Tom indicates that Jeff has set these up in the past.
- What is being done with marketing.
- Not sure what if anything is being done for marketing of RT this year.
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