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- Tom Watson
- Jesse McConnell
- Ian Skerrett
- Mark Rogalski
- Shawn Smith (filling in for Doug)
- Review of Helios Participation Document
- rt-security mailing list?
- RT white paper
Planning call input
Security Mailing List
- Security mailing list bug 276585
- Bug got closed as invalid. Need more support.
- Do we have a need for this?
- With the folks on the call we thought it sounded useful.
- Jesse to reopen bug for more discussion.
RT white paper
- Revamping the EclipseRT website
- CODA white paper exists but does not define EclipseRT
- Need to take more of a solution approach to the document
- document how to solve 5 problems
- 4-5 pages, idea is to point folks to project for more information
- Using an external writer
- First draft already out, second draft in a week or so
RT PMC membership
- [TODO] Left over from November 4th meeting - Jeff to send a message to the list to propose all projects have a member etc.
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