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RT/meetings/PMC Minutes 081105
Attending: Jeff Code9, Thomas Watson IBM, Oliver Wolf Sopera, Christian Campo compeople, Jochen Krause Innoopract
Project status update
- TeamSize 5 (2 committers, 3 contributors)
- Actively writing code
- Contributors make it hard to work with Eclipse as source code repo
- Problem will get fixed with electing contributors to committers (in the next couple of weeks)
- Will make Apache ODE pluggable with Swordfish
Riena (Christian)
- published M5 today
- 10 committers (9 active) - mostly compeople, 1 Innoopract, 1 Andrena
- good progress
- release for 1.0.0 planned Q1 2009
- regular feedback from community
- remote services - OSGi 4.2 spec (rfc 119) is interesting, not sure if it fulfills all requirements
- Feedback Thomas / Jeff: it would be very useful if ECF / Riena / rfc119 had a common implementation
- current problem is that different technical approaches are not easy to integrate
- a discussion at the EclipseSummit would be very useful
- no decision on the release train has been made
- will look at
Equinox (Tom)
- implementing framework stuff (
- rfc132 - launch framework
- rfc138 - mulitple frameworks within the same VM)
- rfc 126 - improvements for service registry in support of rfc 119
- console is not build into the spec of the framework itself, we may pick up an existing implementation
- DS improvements under way, taking spec changes into account
- scoped
- Blueprint services will be part of the spec - discuss more one of the next calls
- want to encourage the use of DS
- p2 stabilization, graduation of APIs
RAP (Jochen)
- UI work going on that could be interesting for Riena / e4 - will present at the summit
Planning Council
- Tom will attend the council meeting today for the first time
- invite Markus Knauer to present
Release train
- we will be trying to have a seperate packaging for the runtime projects as part of the Gallileo release
standing agenda for next meetings
- put project updates on
next meeting: f2f at EclipseSummitEurope: Wednesday at Lunch / in the early evening at the bar