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The PDT project provides a PHP Development Tools framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses all development components necessary to develop PHP and facilitate extensibility. It leverages the existing Web Tools Project in providing developers with PHP capabilities.

The purpose of the Wiki page is to provide additional information on top of the information from the official website with easy accessibility and editing.


Warning: The contents of the Issues section in the table at the right should be ignored. PDT issues are currently tracked on as well as on GitHub.

PHP Development Tools
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OpenHelp WantedBug Day
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Getting PDT

There are several ways to get PDT - the most common one is to download the classic IDE from the download site and then adding the PDT component from the "Help > Install new Software..." menu.

Here's a list of alternative installation methods: PDT/Installation

If you want to have an up-to-date installation, read PDT/Nightlies

Using PDT

Contributing to PDT

PDT is an Open Source project and we welcome everyone who's interested to contribute his or her source code or help project in some other way. Read PDT/Contributing to learn how to get source code and build it.

Developer Resources

Beginnings of PDT

  1. PDT 1.0 Release Review PDT 1.0 release review as presented on 2007-08-29 by Yossi Leon
  2. PDT Presentation in Eclipse Summit 2006 Presentation from the Eclipse Summit 2006 presented by Yossi Leon
  3. PDT SRS Document Project Plan (as SRS document) describing the specification of PDT as for august 2006
  4. EclipseCon slides Slides from EclipseCon 2006 conference: Goals, Principles and scope, Architecture, Products and Schedule
  5. Creation Review Slides A short review of the PDT project's background, goals and partners

Mailing Lists

IRC Channels

  • #pdt on An interactive way to help and get helped.

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