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OSEE/Developer Guidelines

Before Committing Code

  1. Synchronize and Update
  2. Run Code Quality Checks
  3. Ensure all the tests are green. (Tests projects can be identified by their '*.test' suffix. All tests have to be executed as plug-in unit tests.)
  4. Ensure the reference documentation is up to date (i.e. reflects your changes) (Documentation is maintained in project 'via the OSEE wiki').

Code Quality Tools

Update your eclipse installation with the following tools:

Installation for Find Bugs, PMD, Emma, and Check Style:

  1. Launch Eclipse and go to Help->Software Updates->Available Software
  2. Drag the Update Site URLs into the Software Update and Add-ons dialog
  3. Select code style tools to install - for Find Bugs make sure you only select the Eclipse 3.4 or later entry
  4. Click the Install button
  5. Once installation completes, restart eclipse

Code Quality Configuration

Import OSEE Team Preferences

  1. Right-click on the following link OSEE Team Preferences
  2. Select Save Link As
  3. Enter osee_team_preferences.epf and click Save
  4. Launch Eclipse
  5. Select File->Import
  6. Open the General folder
  7. Select Preferences
  8. Click on the Browse... button, navigate to the location where you saved osee_team_preferences.epf
  9. Select Import all
  10. Click Finish to import settings

Check Style Configuration

  1. Select Window->Preferences
  2. Select Checkstyle
  3. Under the General Settings set Rebuild projects if needed to always
  4. Under the Global Check Configurations, click the New button
  5. Select Remote Configuration under the Type drop down
  6. Set name to OSEE Checks (Eclipse)
  7. Copy the following link into the Location entry OSEE Checks (Eclipse)
  8. Set the Cache configuration file checkbox to true
  9. Click OK
  10. Select the OSEE Checks (Eclipse) configuration and click on Set as Default
  11. Click OK to accept settings

Find Bugs Configuration

  1. Select Window->Preferences->Java
  2. Select Find Bugs
  3. Set analysis effort to Default
  4. Click OK to accept settings

PMD Configuration

  1. Right-click on the following link OSEE PMD Rule Set
  2. Select Save Link As
  3. Enter osee_pmd_rule_set.xml and click Save
  4. In Eclipse, select Window->Preferences
  5. Select PMD->Rules Configuration
  6. Click on Import rule set...
  7. Click on Browse, navigate to the location where you saved osee_pmd_rule_set.xml
  8. Set the Import by Copy check box to true
  9. Select OK to import the rule set
  10. Select OK to accept the change and close the Preferences Dialog

Monitor OSEE Bugs using Mylyn

See Integrating OSEE and Bugzilla.

Coding Standards


  1. Redundant modifiers on interface method declarations

Chapter 9.4 of the Java Language Specification states: It is permitted, but discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify the public and/or abstract modifier for a method declared in an interface.

Utility Classes

In order to optimize reuse of code, OSEE developers have adopted a set of standards.

Utility classes should:

  1. Be named xxxUtil. This allows for each searching and location by looking for *Util. This excludes stand-alone utility classes like HashCollection or CountingMap.
  2. As much as possible, be located in a package postfix'd with .util. eg. org.eclipse.osee.ats.util
  3. Should contain static methods

Cleanup of existing utility methods

The following needs to be done:

  1. Create set of common utility class names
  2. Move utilities to their respective places
  3. Either deprecate or replace uses of old locations


Most comments offer more clutter than information, especially non-Javadoc comments which can be removed using the following regular expression \R[ \t]*/\*\s+[\* ]*\(non-Javadoc\)[^/]+/.

Regular Expression Find/Replace application of standards

  • ([^ ]+) != null && !(\1).equals\(""\) replace with Strings.isValid($1)
  • ([^ ]+) == null \|\| (\1).equals\(""\) replace with !Strings.isValid($1)

REST API Documentation

Jersey and Javadoc supported tags in the code are processed during the maven compile phase to create an enhanced application.wadl file. The enhancements include extra documentation pulled from the source. The following set of tags should be used so a consistant set of documentation is available for all REST interfaces.


  1. Every class implementing REST methods should use an @Path tag even if the paths is empty (e.g. @Path("") ).
  2. All parameters should be tagged with the appropriate @xxxParam tag (e.g. @PathParam, @QueryParam, etc.).
  3. The @Consumes tag should be used as appropriate for methods that take in data.
  4. The @Produces tag should be used as appropriate for methods returning information.

Javadoc Tags

  1. Use the '@param name description' for every parameter in the method. The 'name' needs to match the method paramater name
  2. Use the '@return description' as appropriate

The Jersey wadl generator supports additional tags for documenting request and response information.

  1. Use the ' description' for all valid responses from the method
  2. Use the ' type' when the media type is different than specified in @Produces


public class TakeAREST {
	 * Find a great RESTing place for your resources
	 * @param place The ideal spot to look for RESTing
	 * @return The best RESTing spot available
	 * @response.representation.200.doc found the spot for you
         * @response.representation.503.doc RESTing places are currently unavailable.  Try again later.
	@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json"})
	public String getPlaceToREST(@QueryParam("place") String place) {
		return "RESTing Place";
	 * Store a RESTing spot for others to find and use
	 * @param spot Just a good spot for RESTing
	 * @return Acknowledging the location of the RESTing spot
	 * @response.representation.200.doc This is a good spot
	 * @response.representation.404.doc Wasn't able to create the shared RESTing spot
	 * @response.representation.404.mediaType plain/txt
	public RestReturn createRESTingSpot(@PathParam("spot") String spot) {
		RestReturn myRet = new RestReturn();
		myRet.setName("A Great Name");
		return myRet;

OSEE Master Test Suite

OSEE uses JUnit 4 for its test suites. Some links to get started:

Use Cases

Requirements of the OSEE test suite:

  1. Single button press to run all tests
  2. Minimal number of launch configurations to maintain
  3. Ability for any user, internal or external, to easily run a suite of tests before commit
  4. Continuous integration (checkout, build, test, report)
  5. Use JUnit framework for all testing
  6. Enable health checks against production database to be part of test suite
  7. New test cases can be added easily

Running the OSEE Test Suite

The OSEE test suite uses the org.eclipse.osee.ats.config.demo plugin to initialize a demo database, populate it with demo data and run the majority of the OSEE tests against this common data set.

These tests are contributed to the MasterTestSuite groups using Eclipse's extension point framework. Any Test Suite can implement IOseeTest and extend the OseeTest extension point to be contributed to the appropriate test suite(s).

Steps to test

  1. Checkout org.eclipse.osee.ats.config.demo
  2. Checkout
  3. Run the following tests in order and resolve any errors:
    1. Run the Demo database tests:
      1. Run the OSEE Demo Application Server launch config
      2. Run the MasterTestSuite_DemoDbInit launch config. This initializes the postgres database for demo populate and tests
      3. Run the MasterTestSuite_DemoDbPopulate launch config. This loads the database with branches, actions and sets conditions for populate tests.
      4. Run the MasterTestSuite_DemoDbTests launch config. This runs tests against the DemoDb Populated database.
      5. Stop the OSEE Demo Application Server if still running
    2. Run the Production TestDb tests:
      1. Run the OSEE Application Server launch config.
      2. Run the MasterTestSuite_TestDbInit launch config. This initializes the postgres database for production testdb tests
      3. Run the MasterTestSuite_TestDbTests launch config. - This runs production specific tests using a TestDb.
    3. Run the Production tests and health checks against the current production release
      1. Run the MasterTestSuite_ProductionTests launch config. This runs tests and health checks against the current production released database.

Common test utility plugin

The plugin is in support of our testing framework. It has a number of common enums and a TestUtil class that should be used by any junit tests. The intent is to keep this plugin lightweight and without many dependencies cause all the testing fragments "should" include it. In addition, it should not be included by any production plugins, only test fragments.

Adding new Tests to MasterTestSuite

To create test fragment off plugin to be tested

All OSEE JUnit tests should live in a fragment of the plugin to be tested.

  1. Select plugin to be tested
  2. Right-click -> New Project -> Plugin Project -> Plugin Fragment
  3. Enter plugin to be tested as Host plugin
  4. Complete wizard
  5. In plugin to be tested (eg org.eclipse.osee.ats)
    1. Add "Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI: true" to MANIFEST.MF of plugin to be tested. This allows test suites to see tests in this plugin
  6. In new fragment (eg org.eclipse.osee.ats.test)
    1. Add org.junit4 (make sure junit4, not junit) to dependencies
    2. Add the common test utility plugin plugin to dependencies
    3. Export packages containing TestCases and TestSuites
  7. In MasterTestSuite plugin (eg
    1. Add dependency on plugin to be tested (ge org.eclipse.osee.ats)
    2. Add test cases and suites from fragment to appropriate MasterTestSuite java Test Suites

To add a new JUnit TestCase

  1. Write the TestCase to run against a database populated with DemoDbInit and DemoDbPopulate
  2. Add the TestCase to an existing MasterTestSuite_DemoDbTests test suite

Things to consider

  1. Your tests must clean-up after themselves to ensure that the entire test suite can be run.
  2. Do not assume order of execution except within your own Test Suite

Master Test Suite - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need for every test case?

  • import static org.junit.Assert.*;
  • In setup method (@Before), always assert that you are on correct database by adding one of these
assertTrue("Should be run on production datbase.", TestUtil.isProductionDb());
assertTrue("Should be run on test datbase.", TestUtil.isTestDb());
assertTrue("Should be run on demo datbase.", TestUtil.isDemoDb());
  • In setup method (@Before), always assert that you have correct app server running *
assertTrue("Demo Application Server must be running.",
assertTrue("Client must authenticate using demo protocol",
assertFalse("Application Server must be running.",
assertFalse("Client can't authenticate using demo protocol",

Why do I get an exception on synchronized-lock when I launch the tests

The launch configuration does not have all plugins necessary to run.

  1. Open Debug Configurations for that launch item
  2. Go to plugins tab and select "Validate Plugins". This will show if any plugins are missing from selected items.
  3. Select "Add Required Plugins" to add them.
  4. Re-launch.

Why do I get exceptions that cycle was detected when I add things to the org.eclipse.osee.test.util plugin

This plugin is meant to be extremely light-weight and only provide simple statics and methods to all the test plugins. Because it has to be included in all test fragments from jdk.core all the way up to framework.ui (skynet.ui), it can not depend on any of the higher level plugins or cycles will occur. Remove these dependencies and cycles will be fixed.

How do I timeout a test?

Define a timeout period in miliseconds with “timeout” parameter. The test fails when the timeout period exceeds. view

@Test(timeout = 1000)  
public void infinity() {  
    while (true);  

How do I test exception handling

Exception Handling Use “expected” paramater with @Test annotation for test cases that expect exception. Write the class name of the exception that will be thrown. view plainprint?

@Test(expected = ArithmeticException.class)  
public void divisionWithException() {  
   // divide by zero  
   simpleMath.divide(1, 0);  

To add a new JUnit TestSuite

  1. Create a fragment for the plugin (see above)
  2. Create new JUnit TestCases as above
  3. Create a new JUnit TestSuite
  4. Add new TestSuite to one of the MasterTestSuite java test suites

Common test cases

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
 * @link <link_to_class_under_test>
 * @author <you>
public final class MySuperbTest {
   private static SevereLoggingMonitor monitorLog = null;
   private static Artifact myRootArtifact = null;
   public void importSimpleArtifacts() throws Exception {
      Assert.assertTrue("Some message...", conditionToBeTrue);
   public void setUp() throws Exception {
      /* some pre init stuff before each case */
   public void tearDown() throws Exception {
      /* useful to destroy any artifacts after your test */
      new PurgeArtifacts(myRootArtifact.getChildren()).execute();
      /* example how you would wrap one element to pass in */
      new PurgeArtifacts(Collections.singletonList(myRootArtifact)).execute();
   public static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
      monitorLog = TestUtil.severeLoggingStart();
   public static void tearDownOnce() throws Exception {
      /* any other final cleanup */


  • OSGi is a set of specifications that define a dynamic component system for Java where an application is composed of several components which are packaged in bundles. Components communicate locally and across the network through services.
  • Singleton bundles
A singleton bundle is used to prevent any other version of a bundle being loaded in memory, there can be only one resolved version in the run time at any point. The use of a singleton bundle can be desirable where access to a single system resource is required from a set of applications. Use this option for test fragments.

GUI using RAP

  • The term "RAP client" is used to identify the software that displays the actual UI of a RAP application and communicates with the RAP server using the RAP Protocol.
  • The RAP Protocol is JSON-based message format that fully decouples the RAP server and client with the intention of making the client exchangeable.
  • The default RAP client is written in JavaScript and is downloaded and started automatically when a browser accesses the URL of a RAP application.

Developer's Guide for RAP 2.0

Java Development

Learning Java

Install Eclipse as your Development Environment

From the Creator of Java: Trails Covering the Basics

Excellent Sources

Two alternative learning sources:


  • Collections.synchronizedMap still requires manual synchronization on the returned map when iterating over any of its collection views.
  • Eclipse -> Debug Perspective -> Debug view (stacktrace view) -> white downward arrow menu -> Java -> Show Monitors
Eclipse can detect deadlocks and gives locking information needed to determine the root cause
  • When using a HashMap with more than one thread, use java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap instead

Unix Commands

find <filename> -type f -exec chown <new_owner> {} \; -exec chmod 664 {} \;
du -hs *
tail -f /var/tmp/my.log
netstat -an
vi find and replace: s/pattern1/pattern2/g
find . -exec grep -l pattern {} \;
finger -wpsf <user>

SQL Examples

How to create a new table on OSEE production database

CREATE public synonym <synonym_name> FOR <table_name> ;
-- create a trigger that runs each time rows are deleted from osee_server_lookup
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER osee_server_lookup_brd
BEFORE DELETE ON osee_server_lookup
FOR each ROW
      INSERT INTO find_user( user_name, chg_date) VALUES (USER, sysdate );
-- create a synonym in the osee_client scheme to the table osee_enum_type_def owned by scheme osee and then give osee_client privileges to actually use it
CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM osee_client.osee_enum_type_def FOR osee.osee_enum_type_def;
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON osee_enum_type_def TO osee_client;
-- an update statement that involves another table
UPDATE osee_attribute_type aty SET enum_type_id = (SELECT et.enum_type_id FROM osee_enum_type et WHERE = et.enum_type_name) WHERE validity_xml IS NOT NULL; 
-- retrieve duplicate HRIDS, its GUID and Artifact Type name:
SELECT t1.guid,
FROM osee_artifact t1,
  osee_artifact_type t3
WHERE t1.human_readable_id IN
  (SELECT t2.human_readable_id
   FROM osee_artifact t2
   GROUP BY t2.human_readable_id HAVING COUNT(t2.human_readable_id) > 1)
AND t3.art_type_id = t1.art_type_id
ORDER BY t1.human_readable_id;
-- retrieve the number of attributes with the specified value: 
-- (Note: COUNT function returns the number of rows in a query, COUNT(1) is for better performance;
-- In the below example, the COUNT function does not need to retrieve all fields from the osee attribute table 
-- as it would if you used the COUNT(*) syntax. It will merely retrieve the numeric value of 1 for each record
-- that meets your criteria)
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM osee_attribute WHERE VALUE LIKE ?, WHERE ? == '%<value>%'
-- retrieve the number of commit comments with the specified value:
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM osee_tx_details WHERE osee_comment LIKE ?, WHERE ? == '%value>%'
-- retrieve the number of branch names with the specified value:
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM osee_branch WHERE branch_name LIKE ?, WHERE ? == '%value>%'
-- retrieve all data from the specified tables on a specific artifact 
FROM osee_artifact_version arv,
  osee_txs txs,
  osee_tx_details txd
WHERE art_id = <value>
 AND arv.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id
 AND txs.transaction_id = txd.transaction_id
-- retrieve all data from the osee artifact table for the specified artifact 
SELECT * FROM osee_artifact WHERE art_id=<value>
-- list execution plans
SELECT DISTINCT 'explain plan set statement_id = ' || sql_id || ' for ' || sql_text || ';' AS ex FROM v$sql WHERE LOWER(sql_text) LIKE 'select%osee_relation_link%' AND sql_text NOT LIKE '%DS_SVC%' AND sql_text NOT LIKE '%SYS.DUAL%' AND parsing_schema_name = 'OSEE_CLIENT' ORDER BY ex;
SELECT * FROM plan_table;

Release Engineering

Posting OSEE downloads to

  • Download release binaries
  • Update OSEE website to link to new version

Rebaselining a development branch onto master

 Note: Replace all references to /c/x/git/x with your git reop's parent folder
  1. prerequisite: master is pointing to tip of most recent next release branch otherwise replace references to master with it below
    git pull --rebase
    git push origin head:master
  2. Announce on mailing list commit freeze for source and destination branches
  1. Start rebase using onto
    The following steps apply to org.eclipse.osee and any repositories that depend on it
    To see the work layout before you using Git version 2.19.0 or newer
    git range-diff origin/<previous_stable_version> origin/dev dev
    ensure any Eclipse workspace associated with the repository is closed
    cd /c/x/git/x/org.eclipse.osee; git fetch; git checkout dev
    git reset --hard origin/dev
    remove any untracked files
    git rebase -i --onto origin/master <one commit prior to first commit on dev>
    mark for edit the first commit "refactor: Update build numbers to 0.x.0
  1. Resolve merge conflict of version numbers
    git reset --hard
    Edit to update versions
    vi /c/x/git/x/org.eclipse.osee/plugins/
    Run from repository root
  1. methodically reapply commits
    git rebase --edit-todo
    Select specific commits to edit (aligning with other repositories as needed)
    confirm no compile errors at each selected commit and every few commits run integration tests
    when a compile error or test failure is detected, determine root cause commit and create new FIXUP commit
    git status to check for uncommitted files (one possible cause is a deleted bundle)
    use Import Projects... from Git perspective in Eclipse to import newly added bundles
  1. Cleanup fixup commits
    note current hash of head
    use git rebase -i for second pass of rebase
    move each FIXUP commit to just after the commit it corrects and combine with fixup command
    git diff <previously_noted_hash> head to ensure no unintentional changes
  1. Ensure development branch still builds
    1. Ensure no compile errors in Eclipse workspace
      Launch OSEE dev_alpha install with workspace E:\workspace_nr
      refresh, rebuild, restart
    2. Ensure full Jenkins build succeeds
      git push origin head:user/rebase -f
      build on topic branch
      Wipe Out Workspace first to avoid odd issues building
  2. git rebase --committer-date-is-author-date
  3. git fetch to ensure the commit freeze was not violated
  4. git push origin head:dev -f

Managing Orbit Bundles

builds -> orbit-I -> click the circular arrow (force build)
  • New -> Other... -> Plug-in Project
  • check "Create a java project"
  • "an osgi Framework": Equinox
  • no activator
  • Bundle Id: <my.plugin>
  • Bundle-Version:
  • Name: %bundleName
  • Provider:  %bundleProvider
  • delete .settings folder
  • create folder <my.plugin>/source-bundle
  • create folder <my.plugin>/source-bundle/META-INF
  • create file <my.plugin>/source-bundle/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  • Bundle Id: <my.plugin>.source
  • Eclipse-SourceBundle: <my.plugin>
  • create file <my.plugin>/readme.txt
  • copy to <my.plugin>/
  • update bundleName
  • copy <my.plugin>/ to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/
  • copy about.html to <my.plugin>/about.html
  • create folder <my.plugin>/about_files
  • copy licensing text files here
  • extract content of binary jar file into root of <my.plugin> (do not over-write MANIFEST.MF)
  • select project in workspace -> context menu -> Refresh
  • Manifest editor -> Build tab
  • check <my.plugin>/about.html under both your Binary Build and Source Build
  • check <my.plugin>/about_files under both your Binary Build and Source Build
  • check <my.plugin>/
  • check <my.plugin>/<class folder>
  • copy <my.plugin>/about.html to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/about.html
  • copy <my.plugin>/about_files to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/about_files
  • context menu on <my.plugin> -> Properties -> Java Build Path
  • Source Tab -> remove all source folders
  • Libraries -> Add class Folder ... -> select root project
  • expand newly added class folder and select source attachment -> Edit... -> Workspace... -> /<my.plugin>/source-bundle
  • Order and Export -> ensure libraries and class folders are marked exported
  • edit <my.plugin>/.project
  • add a space and then the 3 part version number to the project name
  • edit <my.plugin>/
  • ensure exists: output.. = . and remove source.. = .
  • edit <my.plugin>/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
  • add line: Bundle-Localization: plugin
  • copy source to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/
  • copy <my.plugin>/ to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/
  • add to bin.includes the root directory of the source (i.e. org, com, etc.)
  • Note: the source bundle's entries must be relative to <my.plugin>/source-bundle/ (rather than just <my.plugin>/)
  • context menu on <my.plugin> -> Team -> Share Project... -> CVS -> ""
  • Use specified module name -> org.eclipse.orbit/<my.plugin>
  • uncheck Launch the Commit wizard
  • context menu on <my.plugin>/readme.txt and <my.plugin>/.project -> Team -> Commit... -> "initial project creation"
  • select project in workspace -> context menu -> Team > Branch...
  • "v<version number>" where <version number> original libraries version with '.' s replaced with '_' . (i.e. version is 2.3 would go in the v2_3 branch)
  • check "Work with this branch"
  • delete <my.plugin>/readme.txt
  • CVS check out org.eclipse.orbit/
  • edit /
  • add plugin
  • set download-size and install-size
  • CVS check out org.eclipse.orbit/org.eclipse.orbit.releng
  • edit /org.eclipse.orbit.releng/maps/
  • if you edited /, then update the map file's tag also (so the updated version will be used)
  • context menu on <my.plugin> -> Team -> Commit...
  • context menu on <my.plugin> -> Team -> Tag as Version... use the CVS tag you put in the map file
  • context menu on -> Team -> Tag as Version... (if you changed it)
  • edit /org.eclipse.orbit.releng/psf/orbit.psf
  • Update the IP Log

Windows Setup

Win + E > File > Change folder and search options > View > Advanced Settings:
	Show hidden files, folders, and drives
	!Hide extensions for known file types
Win > Taskbar settings > Taskbar -> Use small taskbar buttons
Win > Power & sleep settings > Sleep
	On battery power, PC goes to sleep after > 1 hour
	When plugged in, PC goes to sleep after > Never
Win > Edit Power Plan > Change Advanced power settings > Sleep > Hibernate after > On battery > Never
Control Panel
	View by: Small icons
	Power Options
		Choose what closing the lid does > When I close the lid: > Do Nothing

Win > Control Panel  > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced -> Performance -> Settings -> Advanced -> Virtual Memory -> Change -> No Page File -> Set
Win > Defragment and Optimize Drives > Optimize > Change settings > !Run on a schedule

Win > Remote Desktop settings > Enable Remote Desktop

Integrating OSEE and Bugzilla

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