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ModelingPlatform/June 14, Face to Face Meeting in Paris

Modeling Working Group Meeting June 14, 2010 Geensys Office Paris, France


  1. Robert Blust, UBS AG
  2. Thomas Lang, UBS AG
  3. Skhiri Sabri, Euranova
  4. Yves Bontemps, SWIFT
  5. Martin Mandischer, itemis AG
  6. Stephan Eberle, Geensys
  7. Jérôme Benois, Obeo
  8. Stephane Lacrampe, Obeo
  9. Pierre Gaufillet, AIRBUS
  10. Jean-Francois Decauwers, Alcatel-Lucent
  11. Francis Bordeleau, Zeligsoft
  12. Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation

Agenda Items:

1. Stephan Eberle reviewed the latest updates to the Architecture and Requirements Mapping

  • Presentation Link [[1]]

2. Each user organizatoin presented their summary on how the Modeling Platform would be used with their organizations

  • UBS Presentation [[2]]

3. itemis and Geensys presented a proposal to create a project plan for the Modeling Platform - Key feedback was that we need to 1) have a more detail timeline on deliverables and 2) focus on a subset of the requirements. If was agreed the key requirements were captured in the UBS presentation on page 6. - itemis and Geensys to update the proposal based on the feedback.

4. Ian Skerrett presented the process of forming a working group.

  • Presentation Link [[3]]
  • General discussion on moving the working group mailing list and wiki into the public. This would allow anyone to read and follow the activities of the working group. ACTION ITEM: General agreement to make the wiki and mailing list public. Ian to make these changes. NOTE: this has been completed.

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