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Kepler Release Review - Modeling Amalgamation 1.4


Cédric Brun (

Release Review : ??? , 2013

Communication Channel :

Process Documentation :

Project Plan :


The Amalgam project provides :

  • the Eclipse Modeling Package
  • integration code and tools for the Modeling Projects

New and noteworthy

The package content did not change since the Juno release but is now based on the Eclipse Kepler platform.

Talking Points

Quality of APIs

The component lead certifies that the requirements for Eclipse Quality APIs have been met for this release.

Non-API classes are separated from the exposed API through an internal package in the namespace.


The discovery UI is leveraging a model describing its contribution and hosted on the server. This model might be updated after the release to provide new installable components for the package.

Tool Usability

Amalgam address the need of a common integrated platform for Eclipse Modeling. This platform is completely focused on the EMF runtime and technologies. The discovery UI integrated in the package address the need to find its way through the so diverse modeling project and to install the needed technologies.

End of Life Issues

The Modeling Examples developed for the Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Toolkit (ISBN-13: 978-0321534071) book have not been maintained since the Ganymede release and have not been updated for Kepler yet. Any help is welcome.

Committer Diversity

1 Committer from Obeo, 1 from Borland and 1 from Itemis.

IP Issues

The about files and use licenses are in place as per the Guidelines to Legal Documentation.

All other contributions (code, documentation, images, etc) have been committed by individuals who are either Members of the Foundation, or have signed the appropriate Committer Agreement. In either case, these are individuals who have signed, and are abiding by, the Eclipse IP Policy. The other contributions of the IP log are not significant or are written 100% by employees of the same employer (Obeo) as the Submitting Committer (

All contribution Questionnaires have been completed.

The "provider" field of each plugin is set to "Eclipse Modeling Project".

The "copyright" field of each plugin is set to the copyright owner.

Any third-party logos or trademarks included in the distribution (icons, logos, etc) have been licensed under the EPL.

The Modeling Amalgam IP log is located at

Non-Code Aspects

Unit tests

The Modeling Package is tested manually with each milestone.


Metamodel definitions and interfaces of the modeling discovery are considered APIs.

Non-API classes are separated from the exposed API through an "internal" namespace.

Non-API packages are exported with an internal visibility as such they are visible but with an illegal access warning.


Documentation is kept on the Eclipse Wiki . Work has been done during the Google Summer of Code 2011 to document the modeling projects, the result has not been integrated in Eclipse itself but is available through github :


blocker           .	2	 .	 .	 .	2
major	          1	1	 .	1	 .	2
normal	          2	28	5	1	1	37
enhancement	  2	3	1	2	 .	7
Total	          4	33	6	4	1	49

Note : these figures are subject to changes as the whole team is in the process of fixing bugs until the final release (this snapshot has been taken on May 17, 2012)‏


No standard exists concerning the modeling amalgam project scope..

UI Usability

The Amalgam integration code is conforming to the user interface guidelines.


Talks have been given submitted to EclipseCon but not accepted. A Google Summer of Code project has been accepted and is going on and several blog posts and surveys have been done during the year.

The Indigo/SR2 modeling package has been downloaded 161 679 times.

Committer Changes

No committer change for this release.


Since the feature freeze our commitment was to follow the EMF.

Amalgam 1.3 Release Plan

RC1	05/22/2012
RC2	05/29/2012
RC3	06/05/2012
Final  06/12/2012
1.3    06/27/2012

The schedule used is matching the schelude of the release train for "+3" projects.

Project Plan

The Juno project plan is available at

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