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- Download and Install the Apache CXF Runtime (version 2.x) from the Apache CXF downloads page.
- Configure the Apache CXF Runtime in the Window > Preferences > Web Services > CXF 2.x Web Services preference page.
- Install the latest version of Apache Tomcat.
- Set the workspace default JRE to a Java 1.7 install under Java > Installed JREs in the preferences and ensure that when testing projects that the project is configured with a 1.7 JRE. CXF 2.x will not work with Java 1.8.
Scenario 1: Create a Bottom Up Web Service
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Import the wtp/ class into the source folder of the Dynamic Web Project.
- Right-click on the class and select Web Services > Create Web Service to open the Web Service wizard.
- Move the service slider to the Test service stage.
- In the Service Configuration: section:
- Verify that Apache Tomcat is the selected Server:.
- Select the Web service runtime: link and select Apache CXF 2.x in the resulting dialog.
- Verify that the selected Service project: is the Dynamic Web Project that contains the class.
- Click Next >.
- Select the Use a Service Endpoint Interface: checkbox.
- Select the Create an SEI radio button.
- Enter a name for the SEI in the text field.
- Click the Select All button.
- Click Finish. After creating the service, deploying to and starting Tomcat, the wizard will launch the Web Services Explorer.
- In the Web Services Explorer
- Under Operations in the right hand pane, click on farenheitToCelsius.
- In the float entry field enter a 72.0 and click Go.
- The Status pane should display return (float): 22.222221
Scenario 2: Create a Top Down Web Service
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Import the AreaService.wsdl into the Dynamic Web Project's WebContent folder.
- Right-click on the AreaService.wsdl file and select Web Services > Generate Java bean skeleton to open the Web Service wizard.
- Move the service slider to the Test service stage.
- In the Service Configuration: section:
- Verify that Apache Tomcat is the selected Server:.
- Select the Web service runtime: link and select Apache CXF 2.x in the resulting dialog.
- Verify that the selected Service project: is the Dynamic Web Project that contains the AreaService.wsdl file.
- Click Finish.
- Open the generated implementation class org.tempuri.areaservice.AreaServiceImpl.
- Replace the generated method body of the calculateRectArea() method to return parameters.getHeight() * parameters.getWidth() and save the class.
- Restart the Apache Tomcat server.
- In the Web Services Explorer
- Under Operations in the right hand pane, click on CalculateRectArea.
- In the width float entry field enter 12.0 and in the height float entry field enter 2.0 and click Go.
- The Status pane should display area (float): 24.0
Scenario 3: Create a Web Service Client
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Open the Web Service Client wizard by selecting File > New > Other... > Web Services > Web Service Client from the top level menu.
- Enter the URI of a remote WSDL file in the Service Definition: text field. e.g. the URL or the AreaService.wsdl from Scenario 2 after deploying to Tomcat
- Drop the client slider to Develop client.
- In the Configuration: section:
- Select Apache CXF 2.x as the Web service runtime.
- Verify that the selected Client project: is the Dynamic Web Project that you created in step 1.
- Click Finish. The generated client will include a main() method that when run will connect to the remote service and invoke every operation on that remote service.
- Navigate to the source folder of the Dynamic Web Project and open the generated client in the Java editor.
- Edit the generated arguments that will be used to invoke the operations on the service.
- To run the client right-click on the client in the Project Explorer and select Run As > Java Application.
Scenario 4: Annotation Properties View
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Import the wtp/ class into the source folder of the Dynamic Web Project.
- Open the class in the Java editor.
- Open the Annotation Properties view by selecting Window > Show View > Other... > JAX-WS > Annotation Properties from the top level menu.
- Select the Converter top level type. The view will react to the selection in the Java editor and display the applicable annotations.
- Select the checkbox in the Values column for the @javax.jws.WebService annotation to add the annotation to the type.
- Expand the @javax.jws.WebService annotation entry in the Annotations Properties view.
- Edit the element values using the cell editors and hit return. Confirm that the values are updated and saved in the Java editor.
Scenario 5: Annotation Validation and Quick Fixes
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Right-click on the Dynamic Web Project and select Properties.
- On the Java Compiler > Annotation Processing properties page select Enable annotation processing.
- Import the wtp/ class into the source folder of the Dynamic Web Project.
- Open the class in the Java editor.
- Annotate the class with the @javax.jws.WebService annotation.
- Change the public modifier of the farenheitToCelsius method to private.
- Add the @javax.jws.WebMethod annotation to the farenheitToCelsius method.
- Confirm that the @WebMethod annotation is not allowed on non-public methods error message is displayed in the Markers view and that the farenheitToCelsius method is highlighted in the Java editor.
- Right-click on the error in the Markers view and select Quick Fix.
- In the Select a fix: list select Change method visibility to 'public' and click Finish.
- Save the file and confirm that the error is removed.
Scenario 6: Content Assist
- Create a Dynamic Web Project.
- Import the wtp/ class into the source folder of the Dynamic Web Project.
- Open the class in the Java editor.
- Annotate the class with the @javax.jws.WebService annotation without using the Annotation Properties view.
- Add the serviceName element to the @javax.jws.WebService annotation with an empty string for a value. i.e. serviceName=""
- Place the cursor between the quotation marks and invoke content assist Ctrl-space.
- Confirm that the value ConverterService was added.
- Test other elements within the @javax.jws.WebService annotation and other JAX-WS annotations including