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How Autobuild Gets Dependencies
- Nightly build runs buildLoop target of autoBuild.xml script from
- buildLoop iterates through each project in
- Checks whether the project already present at the location specified by buildDirectory property
- If project doesn't exist yet, try to check it out using CVS/SVN location of the project defined in
- Parses dependencies.xml of checked out project
- Iterates through each <remoteLibs> element
- Iterates through each <library> element.
- Checks whether library with file name specified by id attribute of <library> element already present at the location specified by the location attribute of the <remoteLibs> element
- If library doesn't exist yet try to download and unpack it if necessary using library location specified in the
- Iterates through each project <higginsProjects> element and checks out all of them by repeating the above 4 steps
- run other targets to complete the build