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e(fx)clipse version 2.4 update URLs

Order of install is important. Install "updates-released" first then "runtime-released" second.



e4 on JavaFX

e4 or better the Eclipse 4 Application Platform is not bound to SWT but can be used with any rendering technology. Learn more about the JavaFX-rendering (Efxclipse/Runtime/e4).


There are set of best practices collected at Efxclipse/Runtime/Recipes

SWT on JavaFX

SWT on JavaFX is a experimental port of the SWT-API on top of JavaFX Efxclipse/SWTonFX

External Resources

Beside the Eclipse wiki there are external resources who publish interesting stuff about e(fx)clipse and e4 & JavaFX:

How to contribute

Tooling / Runtime


e(fx)clipse requires Java8 so you should grab the latest JDK8 available. To contribute to an project you need to sign a CLA so that patches you provide as pull requests

Manually setup

Get an IDE

To develop e(fx)clipse you need an Eclipse IDE who has e(fx)clipse installed itself. You can do that by getting the latest milestone or integration build available from and install the nightly build from or simply download the latest nightly SDK from

Clone the git repo

You need to have egit installed in your IDE to clone the git repo from git-repo and import all projects in the bundles-directory.

Apply formatters

e(fx)clipse uses custom formatting rules different to the defaults in the Eclipse IDE. You need to make use of those formatters/code templates to appropriately contribute patches without formatting noise. The templates are found in

Contributing source changes

e(fx)clipse uses git to control its source tree and we accept patches only github-pull request.

So before you start working:

SWT on JavaFX

Consult Efxclipse/SWTonFX

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