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Rendering Tags
Some of the model elements can be enhanced with special kind of values to influence the renderers to provide behavior very specific zu JavaFX
The renderes translate the following stuff in CSS-Selectors
is translated to the an id-selector (dots are replaced by -
is translated to #my-app-window) - Model-Element-Classname (
) is translated to a class-selector (.MPart
) - Tags starting with
are translated to class-selectors e.g.efx_styleclass:MyHome
is translated to.MyHome
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
efx.window.scene.3d | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | If you want to enable depthBuffering in your the windows scene you should pass true here |
efx.window.root.fxml | persistedState | url | 0.9.0 | In case you want to customize the main window UI (placement of menubar & trims, decoration, ...) you need to pass the url to an FXML that has a root element of one of the following types: javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane for placement control or org.eclipse.fx.ui.controls.stage.TrimmedWindow if you also want control over the window decorations
efx.window.decoration.fxml (DEPRECATED) | persistedState | url | 0.9.0 | In case you want to show a custom window decoration you should pass an URL to a fxml-File to be used. Use efx.window.root.fxml |
efx.window.undecorated (DEPRECATED) | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | DEPRECATED If you want the stage representing the window created with out any StageStyle.UNDECORATED you should pass true for it. Use 'efx.window.stagestyle' |
efx.window.stagestyle | persistedState | String (one of the value in javafx.stage.StageStyle) | 1.0.0 | Allows you to define the stage-style to use Stage.initStyle. The allowed values are those defined in javafx.stage.StageStyle |
efx.window.fullscreen | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | If set puts the stage into a window into fullscreen mode |
shellMaximized | tags | - | 1.0.0 | This tag is provided for SWT-Renderer compability |
efx.window.stagemodality | persistedState | String (one of the value in javafx.stage.Modality) | 2.0.0 | Allows you to define the stage-style to use Stage.initModality. The allowed values are those defined in javafx.stage.Modality |
efx-lightweight-dialogs | tags | - | 2.0.0 | This tag makes dialogs (eg. the save dialog shown as lightweight dialogs) |
efx-center-on-screen | tags | - | 2.4.0 | Centers the stage on the screen before showing it |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fx_fixedLayout | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If you add this tag to a MPartSashContainer it will be rendered using a fixed layout (it isn't a Sash anymore but uses a LayoutPane) |
fx_scrollable | tags | - | 3.1.0 | If you add this tag to a MPartSashContainer it will show scrollbars if the content does not fit into the visible area |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fx_layout_width | persistedState | double | 0.9.0 | The value is an absolute width this widget will use in the parent (MPartSashContainer tagged with "fx_fixedLayout") |
fx_layout_height | persistedState | double | 0.9.0 | The value is an absolute height this widget will use in the parent (MPartSashContainer tagged with "fx_fixedLayout") |
fx_layout_grab_horizontal | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | If set to true the element grabs all free horizontal space (MPartSashContainer tagged with "fx_fixedLayout") |
fx_layout_grab_vertical | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | If set to true the element grabs all free vertical space (MPartSashContainer tagged with "fx_fixedLayout") |
efxSashFixed | persistedState | boolean | 3.8.0 | If set to true the element in the sash can not be resized and takes up the minimum size required by the Node |
By default the container injected in javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
Part-Toolbar-FullSpan | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is added to the MPart the toolbar is spanning the complete width of the part |
Part-ToolBarMenu-Floating | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is added to the MPart the toolbar is floating above the parts content and can be collapsed |
Part-ToolBarMenu-Bottom | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is added to the MPart the toolbar is rendered at the bottom instead of the top |
Lifecycle URL | tags | EFX_LC:$URL$ | 0.9.0 | If you add a tag starting with EFX_LC: and an URL like e.g. bundleclass://my.bundle/my.lifecycle.Handler the methods @PreShow and @PreClose will be called at the appropriate time |
Container:AnchorPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an AnchorPane |
Container:FlowPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an FlowPane |
Container:GridPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an GridPane |
Container:HBox | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an HBox |
Container:StackPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an StackPane |
Container:VBox | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an VBox |
Container:FillLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.FillLayoutPane |
Container:GridLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.GridLayoutPane |
Container:RowLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.RowLayoutPane |
Container:SashLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.SashLayoutPane |
Container:UrlPane:$URL$ | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an instance of the class provided through the URL e.g. bundleclass://my.container/my.layout.Pane the contributed class has to be a subclass of javafx.scene.layout.Pane |
showTopTrimArea | tags | - | 2.2.0 | If this tag is set the title/graphic of the view is shown in the top area of the view area |
fx_scrollable | tags | - | 3.1.0 | If you add this tag to an MPart it will show scrollbars if the content does not fit into the visible area |
fx_withCollapsibleContent | tags | - | 3.8.0 | If you add this tag to an MPart it will wrap the content in a Pane who collapses the content |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fx_checkbox | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If the ItemType is CHECKBOX and the tag is used a real checkbox is used (by default it is a toggle-button) |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fillspace | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is added to the MTrimElement it will fill the remaining space in the trim |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fx_pagination | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is added to the MPartStack it will be rendered using a pagination control instead of a TabFolder |
fx_tab_closing_policy_unavailable | tags | - | 1.1.0 | If this tag is added to the MPartStack the tab pane will not have a close button, therefore it will not be possible to close part ( see: ) |
fx_tab_closing_policy_selectedTab | tags | - | 1.1.0 | If this tag is added to the MPartStack only the selected tab will have a close button ( see: ) |
fx_tab_closing_policy_allTabs | tags | - | 1.1.0 | If this tag is added to the MPartStack all the tabs on the tab pan will have close buttons ( see: ) |
fx.stack.tabslocation | persistedState | TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT | 2.3.0 | |
showTopTrimArea | tags | - | 3.0.0 | If this tag is added to the MPartStack a top area above the Stack-Widget shows the graphic and title of the currently selected tab |
fx_scrollable | tags | - | 3.1.0 | If you add this tag to a MPartStack it will show scrollbars if the content does not fit into the visible area |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
Lifecycle URL | tags | EFX_LC:$URL$ | 0.9.0 | If you add a tag starting with EFX_LC: and an URL like e.g. bundleclass://my.bundle/my.lifecycle.Handler the methods @PreShow and @PreClose will be called at the appropriate time |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
fx.menubar.native | persistedState | boolean | 0.9.0 | If you set this persistedState key to true the menubar will be renderer as a native OS-X menubar. WARNING currently this only works reliably when you have a one window application |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
Lifecycle URL | tags | EFX_LC:$URL$ | 0.9.0 | If you add a tag starting with EFX_LC: and an URL like e.g. bundleclass://my.bundle/my.lifecycle.Handler the methods @PreShow and @PreClose will be called at the appropriate time |
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
Tab Menu | tags | tabmenu | 2.4.0 | If you tag a menu on a part with 'tabmenu' it will be rendered as a menu on the respective TabPane |
By default the container injected in javafx.scene.Group
Title | Slot | Value | Since | Description |
Container:AnchorPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an AnchorPane |
Container:FlowPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an FlowPane |
Container:GridPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an GridPane |
Container:HBox | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an HBox |
Container:StackPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an StackPane |
Container:VBox | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an VBox |
Container:FillLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.FillLayoutPane |
Container:GridLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.GridLayoutPane |
Container:RowLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.RowLayoutPane |
Container:SashLayoutPane | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an org.eclipse.fx.ui.panes.SashLayoutPane |
Container:UrlPane:$URL$ | tags | - | 0.9.0 | If this tag is set the container passed to the contribution is an instance of the class provided through the URL e.g. bundleclass://my.container/my.layout.Pane the contributed class has to be a subclass of javafx.scene.layout.Pane |
Certain renderers based on the efxclipse generic ones support the idea of a lifecycle (Show/Hide/...). We decided no to introduce a new mixin ourselves to support the lifecycle for now but abuse the tags for it because we expect to work with the upstream project on a general solution. Currently the following renderers support lifecycle:
- MMenu
- MPerspective
- MPart
There are 2 ways to register a lifecycle:
- declartive via e4xmi: by adding a tag to the element which starts with EFX_LC: followed by a URL to the lifecycle class
- programmaticall via ELifecycleService: Grab the service and register an lifecylce class using the same URL you'd have used for the tag
None standard Services
PopupMenuService (removed with 1.0.0)
The has the same feature as the EMenuService from e4 on SWT but because the service definition is found in a bundle which has a dependency on SWT we had to invent our own one.
Since 1.0.0 you should use the EMenuService from the Eclipse Application Platform
Allows to register/unregister lifecycle handlers on model elements using ELifecycleService#registerLifecycleURI
and ELifecycleService#unregisterLifecycleContribution
Through the application model
Instead of registering lifecycle additions through the service one can add the
who processes all elements in the application model searching for tags
starting with the LFC:
prefix (eg #MMenu, #MPerspective, ...). It also tracks additions to the model eg if a part is added through an MPartDescriptor
For an MPart
it might look like this in the e4xmi-File:
<children xsi:type="basic:Part" elementId="samplepart" contributionURI="bundleclass://" label="My Part" closeable="true"> <tags>EFX_LC:bundleclass://</tags> </children>
and the handler like this:
public class PartLF { @PreClose public boolean preClose() { // Check if we can close return false; } }
Elements who themselves define Object-Contributions (anyone inheriting from MContribution
) can use lifecycle annotations directly within their implementation.
So a Part could look like this:
public class Part { @PostConstruct void initUI(BorderPane parent) { // ... } @PreClose public boolean preClose() { // Check if we can close return false; } }
With the draw back that your code is getting a dependency on
so we advice to go with this solution only in very rare cases.
To evaluate an lifecycle annotation components like the e4 renderer will invoke ELifecycleService#validateAnnotation
at certain points. To calculate true
the service implementation in the following order:
- In case the provided
is aMContribution
it tries to invoke the annotated method on the contribution object - Execute all lifecycle instance registered on the object
PerspectiveTransitionService / WindowTransitionService
Those 2 services allow you to control how perspective transitions and window open/close transition are done. The renderes will look up the service from the MApplications IEclipseContext and if one available use it.
The feedback service is responsible to show the drag and drop feedback. If your are not happy with the default implementation provided simply contribute your custom version to the OSGi-Service registry with a ranking > 0
Missing Features / Services
Some of the features implemented in e4 on SWT are not yet available in the JavaFX version. Due lack of time/funding and to some extend also due to features not yet available in JavaFX itself:
- MinMax support: There's feature request in bugzilla [1] but there've not been enough time yet to implement it.
- DnD support: With e(fx)clipse 1.2 support to rearrange the UI was added although JavaFX by default does not supports it [2] compared to SWT support for detaching views using DnD is still missing.
In case you miss a feature from SWT and/or you have an idea of a new feature file bug reports and link them in this section. We'll do our best to get features in but can promise unless you decide to fund the implementation