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Eclipse DemoCamps Mars 2015/Vienna
Mars (Eclipse DemoCamp Vienna Mars) What is an Eclipse DemoCamp? (Our History: Luna - 2013 - Kepler - 2012 - Juno - 2011 - Indigo - 2010 - Helios - 2009) |
To keep updated about upcoming DemoCamps in Vienna, follow @edcvienna on Twitter.
Co-Working Space StockWerk (Google Maps)
Pater-Schwartz-Gasse 11A, 1150 Wien
Next to U6 Gumpendorfer Straße. Download more detailed description HowToGetThere.pdf .
Date and Time
June 19, 2015
16:00 - 23:00
Platin Sponsor
If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contact the Eclipse DemoCamp Vienna team.
Agenda and Presentations
16:00-16:10 Florian Pirchner Begrüßung
16:10-16:20 Michael Horvath, Vorstellung Platin Sponsor
16:20-16:30 Benjamin Cabé, "Eclipse Foundation’s role" (in English)
16:40-17:10 Tom Schindl, "Something cool" (surprise talk)
17:20-17:50 SIB-Visions, "VisionX"
18:20-18:50 Philip Langer, "EMF Compare"
19:00-19:30 Benjamin Cabé, "IoT" (in English)
19:40-20:10 Florian Pirchner, "Vaadin and OSGi"
20:20-20:40 Werner Keil, "Energie Sparen, präzise Messwerte bei SmartHome und SmartGrid"
20:40-20:50 Florian Pirchner, Verabschiedung
20:50-23:00 Chill Out mit restlichem Bier ;-)
Presentations will be in German (except noted).
Attending our Eclipse DemoCamp is free, but your registration helps us plan the event - e.g. buy enough beer and cookies ;) So if you plan to attend, please Register for Eclipse DemoCamp Wien.
Alternatively (if you do not like Eventbrite), please add your name to the list below:
- Peter Kofler: Code Cop
- Florian Pirchner: Lunifera GmbH
- Klemens Edler: Lunifera GmbH
- Sabrina Hopf: Lunifera GmbH
- Michael Horvath: agentex gmbh Agentur für IT-Experten
- Christian Kloner: AMOS AT
- Stefan Weiser: AMOS AT
- Tam Hanna: Tamoggemon Holding k.s.
- Lilla Breitkopf: Raiffeisen Bank International
- Robert Janousek: smartivity space
- Maximilian Weißböck: Weißböck
- Philip Graf: Zühlke Engineering
- René Jahn: SIB Visions GmbH
- Petra Bierleutgeb: Freelancer
- René Brandstetter: SmartStream Technologies GmbH
- Bernhard Edler: Atos
- Peter Varga: Freelancer
- Michael Halwax: AMOS
- Markus Mayer: APA-IT
- Georg Aigner: Frequentis
- Philip Langer: EclipseSource
- Lennard Riebandt: iteratec GmbH
- Alexander Bergmayr: TUWien