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How DBWS uses Dynamic Persistence

Document History

Date Author Version Description & Notes
090827 Mike Norman 1.0


Dynamic Persistence is defined as the ability to create a dynamic persistent entity and use it within an application without a-priori the entity's Java .class being present on the classpath (or in some .jar/.war archive).

The purpose of Dynamic Persistence is to enable simplified data access where only mapping information is required and no concrete Java model is required. This allows applications with dynamic storage requirements to avoid coupling to static classes or require specialized handling of new types. The application uses standard EclipseLink APIs to read, create, modify, and remove dynamic persistent entities from their data stores based on types that are either defined in XML mapping files or are constructed within the running application.


The style of Dynamic Persistence required by DBWS is called 'Static Configuration':

Static Configuration

A static configuration defines the dynamic persistent entity's structure and mappings in XML packaged with the application. This is used when the entity is generated before/during deployment and no runtime alteration of its structure is required.

Additionally, because the only way to interact with a DBWS web service is via SOAP messaging, the public API of Dynamic Persistence is not required.

Integration with EclipseLink Dynamic Persistence

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