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EclipseDay At Googleplex/Session Abstacts

Android Eclipse Toolset

Xavier Ducrohet, Google
Slides (pdf)

An important and often overlooked part of creating a development platform is to provide a good tool suite. Android comes with high-quality tools integrated with Eclipse. Xavier will present these tools and discuss some of the things that were discovered while creating them.

Building Great RIA with ATF

Philippe Ombredanne, nexB and EasyEclipse
Slides (zip file with OO and pdf)

The Eclipse Ajax Tooling Framework (ATF) provide the tools developers need to build JavaScript intensive and Ajax applications. ATF provides advanced tools such as JavaScript in-browser debugging, live DOM inspection, XMLHTTPRequest monitoring and Ajax libraries support. Of course ATF also provides comprehensive JavaScript editing and integration with Eclipse Web Tools.

This presentation will show how you can use the ATF Javascript editor and debugger to build RIA with different Ajax runtimes, such as Dojo and Rico:

  • Support for coding a JavaScript intensive application
  • Integrate new Ajax libraries,
  • Use the in-browser JavaScript debugger and introspection capabilities to fine tune your code; additional take-aways include:
    • An overview of extensions and integration opportunities for tools builders (Firefox browser widget component, debugger extension for DSL, etc.)
    • A review of the project features roadmap including WYSIWYG editing capabilities and support for in-browser debugging with IE or Webkit

Eclipse @ eBay

Michael Galpin, eBay
Slides (pdf)

Eclipse is great for Java development. Eclipse is great for web development. Eclipse is great for Java web development. The list goes on, but as your business becomes bigger, more specialized and more demanding, chances are that you won't find exactly what you need on that list. So what do you turn to? Eclipse. See how eBay uses the Eclipse you know and love, but also builds on top of it to handle its unique challenges.

About Michael Galpin:
Michael Galpin is an architect at eBay. He has worked on various projects in the past including eBay Neighborhoods, the next generation of My eBay, as well as eBay's own web development framework, V4. He also is a frequent writer for IBM developerWorks,, and the Java Developer's Journal. He has been programming professionally for 10+ years and holds a degree in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology.

How Mylyn Changes the Way I Develop

Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Eclipse Foundation

Mylyn is an Eclipse project that gives tasks first-class status in the developer workspace. In this presentation Bjorn will show how task focused programming simplifies his (developer) life. Mylyn makes it easier for him to maintain focus while switching between tasks and to collaborate on tasks with geographically and time-zone disparate developers. Fair warning though: once you've started using Mylyn, you never want to return to the old ways.

About Bjorn Freeman-Benson:
Bjorn is the Director for Committer Community at the Eclipse Foundation, a position that is tailor-made for someone with his keen interest and experience in building high-quality software with geographically distributed teams. He has dabbled in applications and user interfaces, but returns, like the swallows to San Juan Capistrano, to his three foci: hardware, software and process (embedded devices, programming languages and software engineering). Bjorn has worked for OTI,, Rational and Gemstone, along with a career as a university professor. He has an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington, and is happy to talk at length about his passion for orienteering and/or his love of flying.

Introduction to Equinox and OSGi

Alex Alves, BEA Systems/Oracle
Slides (pdf)

Equinox is the core runtime platform for Eclipse. It is also an implementation of the OSGi specification. This session will introduce the key concepts of OSGi and show how you can build server applications using Equinox components, including Spring-DM for assembly and configuration.

About Alexandre Alves
Alex Alves is a computer scientist at BEA Systems/Oracle. Alex has worked with technologies such as real-time, CORBA, JEE, Web Services and OSGi for the past decade. He is currently the Architect for WebLogic Event Server, a light-weight application-server specific for event processing.

Plug-in Development Tips and Tricks

Chris Aniszczyk, Code9
Slides (ppt)

Plug-ins are everywhere in Eclipse so come learn about how to develop them! Depending on the audience, for the first half of the talk, I will discuss what a plug-in is and what tooling is provided around developing plug-ins. For the second half, I will discuss tips and tricks that can save you time in developing plug-ins and will also talk about some lesser known, but extremely useful, parts of PDE.

About Chris Aniszczyk:
Chris Aniszczyk is the technical lead for the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) project at Eclipse. Chris also commits on various other Eclipse projects, has the honor to represent the committers on the Eclipse Board of Directors and sits on the Eclipse Architecture Council. Chris's passions are blogging, software advocacy, tooling and anything Eclipse. He's always available to discuss open-source or Eclipse over a frosty beverage.

Tools Make the Difference: GWT in Eclipse

Bruce Johnson, Google

Building high-performance Ajax easily with Google Web Toolkit (GWT) in Eclipse has always been possible, but soon it will be downright easy. Bruce will present GWT's upcoming Eclipse plugin that helps novices get started and lets experts fly.

What's New in CDT Ganymede

Sergey Prigogin, Google

CDT Ganymede (a.k.a. 5.0) will be released by the end of June. This tech talk will introduce new features in CDT 5.0 and the most important bugs fixed in this release.

Wiring Hacker Synapses: Collaborative Coding and Team Tooling in Eclipse

Scott Lewis, Composent & Mustafa K. Isik

ECF is a communication framework and an increasing set of integrated tools. ECF provides APIs useful for the development of Equinox-based servers, RCP applications, and Eclipse-based development tools. The provider architecture supports the use of existing communications services, such as Google Talk and UI integration with web-based services, and other Eclipse-based tools. For example, for the upcoming Ganymede release, ECF is working on real-time shared editing of source code to support distributed team use cases like code reviews and collaborative debugging.

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