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EGF project page

The EGF project is part of EMF.

In order to improve the software development industrialization, a major step consists in mass-producing software. This mass-production must be customizable, and must be able to support complex, large-scale and heterogeneous generations. Given the today’s available Eclipse tools, the issue here is not to provide either a new transformation engine (model-to-model, model-to-text, text-to-model, text-to-text) or DSL (Domain-Specific Language) editor but to realize their integration for flexible software mass-production. This is the purpose of EGF.

EGF federates generation around the pivotal element of factory component. A factory component is a unit of generation with a clear objective of generation. It has a contract to declare the factory component parameters. Contrary to a classic generation which aggregates all the generation parameters, generation data are organized by viewpoints, such as generation pattern, license description or deployment declaration. Altogether, viewpoints explicitly configure all the generation parameters. The generation orchestration is defined by a production plan. A generation step of the production plan can either be a Java task or, by assembly, an invocation to another factory component. Regarding the lifecycle, a factory component can be edited and executed.

A factory component encapsulates generation know-how. A portfolio is a consistent set of factory components with a common generation objective, valuable for a development team or a user community. The purpose is to create off-the-shelf factory components. For instance, a technical infrastructure factory provides all the needed mechanisms for an application development (e.g., transaction management, persistence policy).


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EGF Portfolio
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EGF Reviews


Any issue should be reported to the Bugzilla You may also contact the team using the EMF/EGF newsgroup.

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