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ECE2019 Automotive

Since about 2006, Eclipse technology has been used in automotive engineering, starting with tools for embedded engineering. In the past few years the interest of the industry has grown beyond just the use of existing technology. With the creation of the openMDM, openPASS, openMobility, openGENESIS and OpenADx working groups, the actors have started their own open collaboration groups within the Eclipse Foundation, adding valuable systems and components to the Eclipse technology stack.

To this session we invite all interested to talk and hear about various topics. If you’d like to present, please add your topic, a short description and your name below!

Workshop Topics

OpenADx at a glance -- Andy Riexinger (Bosch)

One challenge the Bosch Autonomous Driving division faces is the toolchain for developing autonomous driving solutions becoming more complex by every level of automation. Well established tools are not well integrated for the use cases and it is easy to detect gaps in the overall toolchain. The Bosch division together with partners from the industry and related domains build up a community to solve the toolchain challenge together in the OpenADx ecosystem. We want to discuss the approach and the current activities and results within the ecosystem.

Eclipse iceoryx -- Michael Poehnl (Bosch)

Learn about our project Eclipse iceoryx

openMobility Working Group -- Joint Collaboration towards proper User Stories / Issues for Eclipse SUMO -- Robert Hilbrich / Michael Behrisch (DLR)

The working group will discuss the current state of the user stories for using Eclipse SUMO. The goal is to clarify open matters and derive a list of issues with priorities and effort estimations for the issue tracker of the Eclipse SUMO project.

Eclipse MUSTANG -- Robert Protzmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

Introduction of our background and plans with the project Eclipse MUSTANG

Safety and Open Source Software in automotive -- Andy Riexinger (Bosch)

In order to include OSS in a safety-related system in principle there are following possibilities:

  1. Developing according to the safety life cycle
  2. Qualification of SW component
  3. Proven-in-use argument
  4. Using OSS as a QM component

I would like to discuss, how you and your company deals with OSS in safety-related systems

Collaboration within the Automotive Working Groups -- Andy Riexinger (Bosch)

Meanwhile, there are some open working groups and other initiatives in the automotive area and I want to discuss with you, how we can work together to build the real big picture.

Privacy and Data Protection in a C-ITS (Connected Intelligent Transportation Systems Scenario) -- Yod Samuel Martín (UPM)

We may:

  1. Introduce some privacy and data protection concepts from an engineer’s perspective (what do we mean when they say “privacy”): PIAs, privacy properties, privacy threat trees (STRIDE/LINDDUN), design strategies.
  2. Show their application to a V2x scenario and highlight some critical and open issues regarding privacy and data protection.
  3. Introduce the MDE-based toolset that the PDP4E project is creating to address Privacy and Data Protection issues from an engineer’s perspective. One of the application scenarios that is being developed is that of C-ITS.
  4. Show an example of how some of the modelling approaches proposed in PDP4E can be applied to a scenario of billing by a utility of an electrical vehicle in a roaming scenario.

openGENESIS -- Matthis Eicher (TÜV SÜD)

Learn about the openGENESIS working group. The scope of openGENESIS is to make artificial intelligence assessable, to ensure that AI is roadworthy before it is deployed on the streets.

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