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DSDP/MTJ/Discussion/New APIs/version 1.0/automatic SDK install
This API idea is to provide a mechanism to automatically register new SDKs devices once MTJ is started. The main user of this API are SDK Providers that wants to distribute a plugins that will automatically imports its SDKs. This avoid the need to the user to manually go to "Preverences->JavaME->Device Management" and import the device from the UI.
This API devices a extension point with the following format:
- extension
- name (String Attribute) [OPTIONAL]
Description: Optional name of this extension
- sequence [1;1] (installer) [REQUIRED]
Description: Sequence of 1..1 that represents the installer
- name (String Attribute) [OPTIONAL]
- installer
- name (Java Attribute) [REQUIRED]
Description: implements org.eclipse.mtj.core.sdk.ISDK.
- name (Java Attribute) [REQUIRED]
The ISDK interface is simple. it only provides 3 methods that need to be implemented by the SDK Provider:
- String getDescription(): Returns the textual description of this SDK
- String getName(): Returns the SDK name that is also presented on the Devices
- List<IDevice> getDeviceList(): Returns a list of IDevices
Each SDK provider is responsible to know where its SDK is installed. This is necessary in order to create the Devices.