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Components Page Conventions

This page describes the definitions and table formatting conventions used on these pages: Components.


Three kinds of tables

There are three kind of tables on these Components pages:

Single project
tables that describe a single Component and implement it with a single Project (row). Example.
tables that describe a single Component but contain multiple alternative implementation Projects (rows). Example.
tables that describe a set of rows each of which is a Component. Example.

Table Format

The tables on the Components page uses these templates:

Table Header

Left-most column

Table Section Row

Left-most column

  • Indicates the runtime environment supported by the project-rows in this section (e.g. Java 1.4 or Adobe Flex, etc.)

Project Rows

Each regular row of the table is a project.

  • type of project
    • Interface - this project defines the interface for the component separately from its implementation
    • Impl. - implementation
    • Alt. Impl - one of N alternative implementations of the component interface
    • Test - unit test project
    • Misc - misc supporting implementation project
  • project name (Second-from-left-most column)
    • If the project is shared with other components the word "(shared)" will appear after the project name
  • Repository - svn link to the SVN source files and viewsvn link. Note
Use either the https link given, or substitute svn+ssh for https as the svn URL in order to access the code for a project
  • Downloads - link to the mostly recently generated nightly on [Some day: this page will also include all stable builds]. If the project can't be autobuilt (i.e. there are not downloads) then add a downloadurl param with value "no" (this appears as "[no downloads]" in the HTML
  • Test - For each of the java sub-projects of each Component listed in all of these tables there exists a second project a sister ".test" project exists containing unit tests. These tests are [well, will soon be] automatically run during the nightly build process. This cell should contain a status word related to these tests:
    • none - no sister ".test" project exists
    • minimal - a few unit tests exist in the ".test" project
    • good - reasonable coverage of functionality exists in the ".test" project
  • H1.0 [MANDATORY] - green LED if this component is part of 1.0 (red otherwise)
  • H1.1 [MANDATORY] - green LED if this component is part of 1.1 (red otherwise)
  • Owner - email of the owner of this component

Old Template

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