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CDO/Objectivity Store


We are still working on the details, but once we have completed the wiki we'll remove this text

The CDO Objectivity store is an implementation to the CDO Store that allows storing of model and model repository into Objectivity/DB.

The current implementation support all of the CDO 3.0 features with few exceptions that we are planning to complete as soon as possible.

This document will help users setup there environment and configure CDO to work with Objectivity/DB, we'll also include an example and step by step tutorial. We tried to make it as seamless as possible to enable your Application to store model repository in Objectivity/DB.


The documentation for the CDO Objectivity Store consists of the following sections.

  • Quick start: in just a few steps you have an up-and-running CDO server with Objectivity/DB.
  • Architecture: describes how the different components of the store operate together.
  • Download and install: lists the required plugins and their download locations. In addition the examples projects used in the tutorials are specified (with their cvs location).
  • Configuration: discusses the setup and configuration of the CDO Objectivity store (database, launch configuration, model, etc.). The description is supported by an example Eclipse project which is available in cvs.
  • Tutorial: gives a quick intro in how to connect from a client to the CDO Objectivity datastore. This tutorial illustrates that for a standard usage there is no difference in using a CDO Objectivity store compared to other stores. A downloadable Example Eclipse project is used to give the reader a good start. The examples use junit testcases on the client to facilitate easy testing and debugging.
  • Trouble shooting: when you encounter specific CDO Objectivity issues. For remaining questions visit the EMF newsgroup.


The Objectivity store is build and distributed as part of CDO 3.0. CDO 3.0 is the CDO release for the Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) release. The Objectivity Store is tested with this software:

  • Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)
  • EMF 2.6
  • CDO 3.0
  • Objectivity/DB 10.0

Visit the download page to download the required dependencies.

Plugins and CVS

The CDO Objectivity Store can be found in cvs in the following location:

  • /cvsroot/modeling
  • main path: org.eclipse.emf/org.eclipse.emf.cdo

The functionality is implemented in the following plugins (the other plugins/projects in the same cvs location can be ignored):

  • org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.objectivity: implements the CDO Objectivity Store itself
  • org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.objectivity.stub: an empty stub of the Objectivity/DB specific APIs, users will not need to download and use this plugin, and it should be replaced by the proper org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.objectivity.dbstore

The documentation makes use of three projects (used in the documentation) in the org.eclipse.emf/org.eclipse.emf.cdo/examples folder:

  • contains the test model which has been enabled for use with CDO
  • ...
  • ...

Supported Functions and Features

The CDO Objectivity Store supports all CDO 3.0 features except for the following:

  • offline mode:
  • settable feature:

Wikis: CDO | Net4j | EMF | Eclipse

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