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Architecture Council/Meetings/May 21 2015

Meeting Title: Architecture Council Monthly Meeting
Date & Time: Thursday May 21, 2015 at 1600 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin attention DST change
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Dial-in: Let's use the Foundation's Asterisk setup for this call:
  • North America (toll free) 1-866-569-4992
  • Germany (local call anywhere in Germany) 49-692-2224-6059
  • France (local call anywhere in France) 33-17-070-8535
  • Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, others - see Asterisk/Numbers

Participant conference extension: 701 then enter pin: 51968

  • SIP clients can call, then enter pin 51968.


All AC Members are invited.

  • PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: Wenfeng Li Wenbin He
DTP: Brian Payton Linda Chan
Eclipse: Mike Wilson John Arthorne
Modeling: Ed Merks Cédric Brun
Eike Stepper
Mylyn: Steffen Pingel Mik Kersten
RT: Christian Campo Tom Watson
Doug Clarke
Ian Bull
SOA: Adrian Mos Marc Dutoo
Technology: Gunnar Wagenknecht Wayne Beaton
Tools: Doug Schaefer
WTP: Chuck Bridgham Neil Hauge

All Attendees

  • In attendance: Max Andersen, Wayne Beaton, Marcel Bruch, Ian Bull, Christian Campo, Konstantin Kommissarchik, Denis Roy, Jonas Helming, Doug Schaefer, Martin O, Michael Scharf, Eike Stepper, Krum Tsvetkov, Gunnar Wagenknecht

Agenda / Notes

  • Feel free to edit, but not during the call!

Review of Last Meeting

New Topics

  • Welcome Max Andersen (representing Red Hat as a Strategic Member)
    • Leading JBoss Tools for RH, involved with Eclipse sine 10+ years - using and contributing to many projects
    • Committer to Andmore, WTP and Dali; Couple other committers on the team (Gorkem Ercan, Rob Stryker) and working with others (Tim Fox, Alex Kurtakov, ...)
    • Interested in process implifications, and seeing what the AC can do
  • Welcome Konstantin Kommisarchik
    • Leading a team at Oracle - both commercial and contributions to various projects (WTP, ...)
  • Wayne: Nominations - AI Wayne take next step to contact candidates if they would be willing to join


  • Wayne: AC to do more evangelism
    • Take part of our monthly call to talk about evangelism (blogging; conferences; stickers, swag, ...)
    • Wayne can provide resources eg couple of slides like "What is the Eclipse Foundation"
    • *not* about adding more work on AC member's plate; all about "how do we help each other" eg conferences that we visit already
    • Marcel: Not sure how well this would work ... evangelism is about going to more conferences ?
    • Wayne: Eg at Devoxx France made good experiences
    • Jonas: Sees always the same people at "Eclipse related" events; doesn't see much Eclipse related content on other conferences
  • Jonas: How to get to a new conference as a speaker ?
    • Foundation could potentially help getting some credibility for the speaker (eg do a promo video)
    • Example: Wayne is on the selection committee for the Development Tools track at JavaOne
  • First Steps: Who's speaking at which conferences ? Eg set up an event page
    • AI Wayne follow up after the minutes
    • AI Martin create an initial table on the Wiki

Max: Challenges with Vertex

  • Process: Release Reviews, and the 2-week process; IP Review seen as extreme overhead
  • Wayne: Can help on technical items

Marcel: Error Reporting

  • Works well for some projects, but apparently not well enough for others (never got in touch with the system)
  • Platform accumulated around 700 different issues, but only 60 of them currently tracked in bugzilla
    • Anything we could do to help Platform with resources - at least for fixing simple issues like NPEs ?
    • In touch with Lars, and Dani (to some extent) -- busy with endgame plan, planning to look at things after Mars Release
    • Many projects just look at issues the last day of their milestone ... others (eg JDT) doing an amazing job
    • Any alternative channel reaching out to projects
  • Denis: Been fairly successful with please for help (if specific, and frequent) on
    • Max will try to find people in RH to help
  • Wayne: If swag is necessary, could help out (like greatfix initiative - great success)
    • Would like to do something like greatfix every month - looking at AC to provide proposals
      • Max feels that every month might be too much (and make it even more special every year)
  • Related: "Every Detail Matters for Mars" - want to make the IDE very user-focused (versus project focused)

Next Meeting

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