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About the Ajax Tools Framework project
The Ajax Tools Framework (ATF) is a tool integrated with Eclipse for Web developers who use Ajax techniques. ATF provides tooling that allows a user to edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript applications and a framework on which adopters can build advanced and technology specific tools. The functionality in ATF breaks down into three main areas: Browser Tooling, JavaScript Debugger and extensions for adopters.
See also the project page.
Using Ajax Tools Framework
To learn about ATF, please take a look at our Help corner. Once you're ready to try it out, don't miss the installing guide.
Developer resources
Contributing to ATF
The ATF is driven by a very small development group with limited resources. ANY serious developers or contributors will be enthusiastically welcomed. For more information on how to become a Committer, check the standard Eclipse process (see New Committer Election). For more information about contributing to ATF in general, or for questions about its internals, contact atf-dev.
How to create a workspace to work on ATF sources