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This page contains the list of manual tests for ATF 0.3 based on Galileo.
1. open Web Browser perspective
Browser perspective contains:
- DOM inspector view on left,
- Browser Console, Request Monitor, DOM Source, CSS, JavaScript, DOM Watcher on bottom
- "Open URL" option on toolbar
2. Open URL pressing "Open URL" on toolbar, type URL ""
- DOM inspector initializes it contents on page load.
- Provides tree view of loaded page DOM elements
- Click on element in DOM highlights it in browser with red frame
- DOM inspector shows attributes Attributes are fully editable
- DOM inspector contains Search of three types: Name, ID, Class
- Select element using selection button in top left browser corner. On linux Ctrl+Click, COmmand+Click on Mac
- Selection element in browser updates DOM inspector Dom inspector attributes change accordingly to selected element.
- At the bottom see DOM source view.
- DOM source view changes accordingly to selection.
- Edit source and press "Refresh source" updates source view
- Press validate to validate
- Press Update updates DOM model in memory and Browser view
- DOM inspector has Compare Node, Evalutate node, Add CSS Snippet, Compare Node, Copy Node, Copy Node with CSS, Paste Node, Cut Node, Delete Node
2. Open Run -> Run Configurations
- Create new Mozilla Application
- Set it's name to ""
- Choose URL option and type URL ""
- Press Run
- In Web Perspective all views show the Browsed page content
3. Open Run -> Debug Configurations
- Choose Mozilla Application
- Set "Use launch specific options"
- Set "Suspend at start", "Suspend on debugger keyword", "Suspend on error", "Suspend on exception"
- Press Debug - Note that Debug perspective opens and Debugger stops at first javascript load
- Press "Run" in Debug view to let it continue load pages
- Note that loaded script files are listed in "Scripts" view
- Pressing on any element in "Scripts" view loads it's contents
- Put breakpoints in JS file
- possible in default Text Editor
- possible in WTP JS editor
- Put breakpoints in HTML file. Try for file ending with .html and .htm
- possible in default Text Editor
- possible in WTP HTML Editor
- Stepping thru JS code